Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Golden Gate, its namesake bridge, and the city of San Francisco in 2273.

The Golden Gate Bridge was built in 1937 and spans across the straight known as the Golden Gate adjacent the city of San Francisco on Earth.

In 2024, the sight of the bridge confirmed to Benjamin Sisko and Julian Bashir that they had arrived in San Francisco, just not at the right point in history. (DS9 episode: "Past Tense, Part I")

The bridge survived World War III, the earthquakes of 2062 and 2109, and the Cetacean Probe crisis of 2286 without damage. (TOS novels: The Lost Years, A Flag Full of Stars; TOS movie: The Voyage Home)

The bridge was visible from Admiral James Leyton's office in Starfleet Headquarters. (DS9 episodes: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost")


The damage to the bridge following the Breen attack of 2375.

The bridge was damaged in the Breen attack of 2375, but the historic landmark was quickly restored. (DS9 episode: "The Changing Face of Evil", ST - Tales of the Dominion War short story: "Eleven Hours Out", SCE eBook: Aftermath)

The damage to the Golden Gate Bridge inspired hundreds of people to join Starfleet. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)

During the signing of the Dominion War Accords, Captain Sisko recalled the sight of the wrecked Golden Gate Bridge when he looked at the Breen in attendance in the wardroom on Deep Space 9. (DS9 short story: "Requital")

Several hours later in Vic Fontaine's lounge Julian Bashir cited the Golden Gate Bridge as being one of many reasons for his great love of San Francisco. (DS9 novelization: What You Leave Behind)

In 2379, Arafel "Fel" Pagro choose the Golden Gate Bridge as the location to give his first major speech after officially being declared a candidate in the special election for President of the United Federation of Planets. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace

The Dominion War memorial museum was opened in 2379 on the bridge. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

Alternate timelines[]

USS Voyager over Golden Gate Bridge

Voyager flies over the Golden Gate Bridge in an alternate 2394.

The Golden Gate Bridge also existed in the "Mirror Universe" timeline. When the USS Defiant, under the command of Empress Hoshi Sato, attacked Starfleet Command and San Francisco, care was taken not to damage the historic landmark. (ENT novel: Age of the Empress)

In another alternate timeline, the Golden Gate Bridge was collapsed when John Frederick Paxton used the Mars Verteron Array to attack Starfleet Command in San Francisco. A new Golden Gate Bridge was built, with a number of differences from the original span. (Star Trek: Myriad Universes novel: A Less Perfect Union)

In 2394 of another alternate timeline, the USS Voyager performed a "victory lap" over the bridge. (VOY episode: "Endgame")



Landmarks of planet Earth
Alcatraz • Alcatraz Children's Park • Beijing Zoo • China Beach • Colosseum • Eiffel Tower • Empire State Building • Fort Knox • Golden Gate • Golden Gate Bridge • Golden Gate Park • Great Pyramid • Great Sphinx • Jackson Mall • Kill Devil Hill • Leaning Tower of Pisa • Lighthouse of Alexandria • London Intergalactic • Mount Rushmore National Memorial • Nashville Avenue • National Park of Kyoto • Palace of Fine Arts • Palisades Park • Pearl Harbor • Plymouth Rock • Point Bonita Lighthouse • Punta Mulas • R Street • Rock of Gibraltar • St. Charles Avenue • St. George's University • Starship's Wharf • Statue of Liberty • Sutro Selestial Baths • Taj Mahal • Troy Museum UFP emblem image. United Earth emblem image.

External links[]
