Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Requital" is a 2004 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine short story by Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin. It was published in the Tales of the Dominion War anthology. Reese, the Starfleet soldier that Captain Sisko met on AR-558, joins the crew of the Defiant as it fights in the final battle of the Dominion War. Reese's desire for revenge for those killed at AR-558 threatens to end more lives.


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Julian Bashir • Ezri Dax • Ekoor • Etana Kol • Female Changeling • Kira Nerys • Martok • Neral • Nog • Odo • Reese • William Ross • Benjamin Sisko • Worf
Referenced only
Billy • Damar • Doran • Dukat • Vic Fontaine • Elim Garak • Hranok • Kellin • Declan Keogh • Nadia Larkin • Loomis • Douglas MacArthur • McGreevey • Miles O'Brien • Parker • Jean-Luc Picard/Locutus • Jake Sisko • Jennifer Sisko • Storil • Vargas


Alpha Quadrant • Cardassia • Deep Space 9 • Operations center • Promenade • Starbase 235 • Station commander's office • Wardroom
Referenced only
AR-558 • Bajor • Bajoran wormhole • Chin'toka • Delta Quadrant • Dominion Headquarters • Empok Nor • Golden Gate Bridge • Kendra Province • Las Vegas • New Founder homeworld • Qo'noS • Quark's • Risa • San Francisco • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Headquarters • Terok Nor • Vic's lounge • Wolf 359 • Yolja River


USS Defiant (Defiant-class)
Referenced only
Breen warship • USS Enterprise-D • Jem'Hadar fighter • USS Odyssey • USS Okinawa • USS Saratoga • USS Veracruz

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Breen • Cardassian • Changeling • Ferengi • Human • Jem'Hadar • Klingon • Trill • Vorta
Referenced only
Borg • Pah-wraith • Tzenkethi

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • Breen Confederacy • Dominion • Federation Alliance • Founder • Klingon Empire • Romulan Star Empire • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Borg Collective • Cardassian Liberation Front • Cult of the Pah-wraiths • Section 31 • Starfleet Academy • Starfleet Intelligence

Other references[]

after action report • Allied Tribunal • attack wing • Battle of Cardassia • Battle of Wolf 359 • biosynthetic limb • breakfast • Chancellor • combadge • communications array • disruptor • Dominion War • Dominion War Accords • Emissary of the Prophets • escape pod • Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire • French onion soup · genocide • Great Link • hecapate • Houdini • kar'takin • ketracel-white • mess hall • morphogenic virus • orb • orbital weapon platform • phaser bank • phaser rifle • Praetor • quantum torpedo • Raid on San Francisco • refrigeration suit • Shangri-La • site-to-site transporter • Skeleton crew • solid • targ • Telluridian synthale • transparent aluminum • tube grub • Tzenkethi War • vocoder • war crime • World War II


  • The names of the Vulcan captain (Storil) and the Bolian lieutenant (Hranok) of the Saratoga are from the novelization of "Emissary".

Related stories[]


published order
Previous story:
Stone Cold Truths
Tales of the Dominion War
Tales of the Dominion War
Next story:
Last story
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Stone Cold Truths
Pocket Next Adventure:
What You Leave Behind
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2375.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in one other timeframe:
Previous Adventure:
The Siege of AR-558
Sections 1, 3
Next Adventure: