Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

In the mirror universe, the ISS Kodos was a 23rd century Terran Empire Constitution-class cruiser starship in the service of the Imperial Starfleet. (TOS video game: Shattered Universe)

The ship was presumably named after Governor Kodos of Tarsus IV. (TOS - Mirror Universe novel: The Sorrows of Empire)

Template image. This article is a stub relating to a starship or vehicle. You can help our database by expanding on it.

Early series of Constitution-class class I/class XI heavy cruiser starships
Federation, Starfleet built to mk I specifications Constellation • Constitution • Defiant • Endeavor • Enterprise • Excalibur • Exeter • Farragut • Hood • Intrepid • Kongo • Lexington • Potemkin • Republic • Valiant (I) • Yorktown Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
various specifications Alexander • Asimov • Brahe • Cayuga • Confederate • Enterprise (Vardaine copy) • Excalibur II • Glory • Indomitable • Isshasshte • Reuben James • John F. Kennedy • Mendel • Nautilus • Olympus Mons • Ortisei • Pathfinder • Surak • Tao Feng • Trexelprise • Trojan • Venture • Zimbabwe

see also: unnamed Constitution-class starships • Excalibur-subclass: Excalibur • Tucker • Exeter-subclass: Exeter-C • Kirk • Kirk-subclass (3060s refit): Armstrong • Excalibur-M • Noble • Vesper-subclass: Vesper • Montreal • Oakland • Sha Ka Ree

Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Constitution • Carnage • Constellation • Banshee • Defiant • Enterprise • Excalibur (23rd century) • Excalibur (Excalibur-subclass) • Exeter • Hood • Kodos • Lexington • Nobunaga • Potemkin Seal of the Terran Empire.
23rd century subclasses: Bonhomme Richard-subclass (mk II) • Achernar-subclass (mk III) • Tikopai-subclass (mk IV) • Enterprise-subclasses ("Constitution II" refit, mk I-IV) • 24th and 25th century subclasses: Excalibur-subclass • Exeter-subclass • Vesper-subclass • Constitution III-subclass ("Neo-Constitution") • other Constitution variants • 31st and 32nd century subclass: Kirk-subclass