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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see USS Kongo.

The USS Kongo (registry NCC-1710[1][2]) was a Federation starship, a Constitution-class[1][2] class I[1]/class IX[2] heavy cruiser[1] in service to Starfleet in the late 23rd century.

History and specifications[]

The Kongo was one of the initial batch of Constitution-class starships which were authorized by Starfleet appropriation on stardate 0965. (TOS reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual)

The Kongo was eventually built to mark II specifications and entered service on reference stardate 1/9909. She was later refit to mark III specifications on stardate 2/0406. (TOS reference: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)

In the year 2267, the Kongo visited the vicinity of Starbase 11. (TOS episode: "Court Martial")

While the ship wasn't named, the Kongo's registry number was displayed on a chart in Commodore Stone's office.

The Kongo was under command of Captain Toroyan in 2267 when it took damage to the port warp nacelle. The USS Enterprise had to vacate a drydock at Starbase 1 to make room for Kongo. (TOS novel: Final Frontier)

In 2269, under the command of Commodore Dan Stack, the Kongo successfully observed the primitive civilization on Muldoon IV, located between the twin stars Loki and Thor. (Decipher RPG module: Starships)

In 2271, the Kongo was en route to Centaurus when Admiral Lori Ciana decided to come aboard for a two-to-three month "public relations" tour of the new Human colonies there. (TOS - The Lost Years novel: A Flag Full of Stars)

The Kongo was under the command of Captain J.C. Frederiksen in the 2270s decade. The Kongo, joined by the USS Halk and the USS Rome, responded to a distress call from a Federation outpost in the Orion sector. Upon arrival, the Starfleet ships were engaged by six Klingon D18 class ships, commanded by Captain Kresz sutai-Kargon. The wrecked Kongo was considered a total loss after this confrontation. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update)

The timeline in the Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update claims the Kongo was destroyed when it engaged the Klingons. Unless another starship were assigned the name, or the wrecked Kongo had been refurbished, the ship wouldn't have been able to participate in the novel Shell Game, or in Operation Retrieve.

In 2275, the Kongo was 36 hours away from the USS Enterprise's position. The Kongo later met with the Enterprise at the Romulan Station Reltah. (TOS novel: Shell Game)

The Kongo was later refit to Enterprise-subclass (Mk III) specifications on stardate 2/2102, outfitted as a command cruiser (CC) by the 2280s. The ship was easily modifiable with additional technology to become the advanced command cruiser (CC+). (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual; ST video game: Starfleet Command)

No history or fate is established for this vessel in Starfleet Command, as its name was randomly assigned to a cruiser vessel by the game software.

On stardate 8747.6, the Kongo suffered a containment field breach in her engineering hull that killed 100 of her crew and irradiated many others. Medical assessment predicted that 50 more would die from this radiation poisoning. A brace of tugs were sent from Space Station Sigma One, on the Andorian/Orion border, to recover her. Science Officer Robert "Bob" Cecil sacrificed his life attempting to limit the spread of the radiation.

At that time, the original damage assessment was so severe that it wasn't known if the Kongo would ever be spaceworthy again.

Five days later, a memorial service for the Kongo crew was held at Space Station Sigma One; the death count established at 143. In attendance was Pavel Chekov, good friend of Science Officer Cecil. (TOS novel: Death Count)

The year 2293 saw the Kongo on patrol along the Klingon Neutral Zone, under the command of Captain N. Rodis. The Kongo, located in Sector 21803, was considered by Starfleet to be part of Operation Retrieve later that year. (TOS movie: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

Crew manifest[]



Ships named Kongo
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets USS Kongo (NCC-1710, Constitution-class) • USS Kongo (NCC-2009, Excelsior-class) • USS Kongo (Aegian-class) • USS Kongo (Galaxy-class) Seal of the Federation Starfleet
Early series of Constitution-class class I/class XI heavy cruiser starships
Federation, Starfleet built to mk I specifications Constellation • Constitution • Defiant • Endeavor • Enterprise • Excalibur • Exeter • Farragut • Hood • Intrepid • Kongo • Lexington • Potemkin • Republic • Valiant (I) • Yorktown Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
various specifications Alexander • Asimov • Brahe • Cayuga • Confederate • Enterprise (Vardaine copy) • Excalibur II • Glory • Indomitable • Isshasshte • Reuben James • John F. Kennedy • Mendel • Nautilus • Olympus Mons • Ortisei • Pathfinder • Surak • Tao Feng • Trexelprise • Trojan • Venture • Zimbabwe

see also: unnamed Constitution-class starships • Excalibur-subclass: Excalibur • Tucker • Exeter-subclass: Exeter-C • Kirk • Kirk-subclass (3060s refit): Armstrong • Excalibur-M • Noble • Vesper-subclass: Vesper • Montreal • Oakland • Sha Ka Ree

Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Constitution • Carnage • Constellation • Banshee • Defiant • Enterprise • Excalibur (23rd century) • Excalibur (Excalibur-subclass) • Exeter • Hood • Kodos • Lexington • Nobunaga • Potemkin Seal of the Terran Empire.
23rd century subclasses: Bonhomme Richard-subclass (mk II) • Achernar-subclass (mk III) • Tikopai-subclass (mk IV) • Enterprise-subclasses ("Constitution II" refit, mk I-IV) • 24th and 25th century subclasses: Excalibur-subclass • Exeter-subclass • Vesper-subclass • Constitution III-subclass ("Neo-Constitution") • other Constitution variants • 31st and 32nd century subclass: Kirk-subclass
Bonhomme Richard-subclass (Constitution-class mk II class I/class XI cruiser/heavy cruiser starships)
Refit with mk II engines Kongo UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Built to mk II specifications Bismark • Bonhomme Richard • Centurion (fm. Farragut II) • Constellation II • Challenger • Eagle • El Dorado • Endeavour • Essex • Excelsior • Hornet • Intrepid • Kent • Merrimac • Monitor • Saratoga • Valiant II • Wasp • Yamato
Authorized for construction Ari • Defiance • Krieger • Lafayette • Tori
Achernar-subclass (Constitution-class mk III class I/class XI cruiser/heavy cruiser starships)
Refit with mk III engines Bismark • Bonhomme Richard • Challenger • Constellation • Constitution • Defiant • Eagle • El Dorado • Endeavour • Enterprise • Essex • Excalibur • Exeter • Farragut • Hood • Hornet • Intrepid • Kent • Kongo • Lexington • Potemkin • Republic • Saratoga • Valiant II • Yamato • Yorktown UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Built to mk III specifications Achernar • Akagi • Ark Royal • Caspan • Chikuma • Discovery • Forrestal • Kaga • Kitty Hawk • Langley • Littorio • Marseille • Radetsky • Richelieu • Rivoli • Santissima Trinidad • Sirius • Ticonderoga • Victory
Authorized for construction Ahzdar • Alam'ak • Alferaz • Alfr • Androcus • Annobon • Astrad • Behr'ak • Czar'ak • Ekinus • Elohim • Esabl • Eskiis • Galina • Ghar • Ghondr • Hajj • Hiemdal • Horok • Jassan • Jenshahn • Jupiter • Kars • Kasimar • Kep Salu • Kestral • Ketoi • Maat • Mazda • Mengen • Mirazh • Mondoloy • Mongo • Ndele • Oblik • Oomaru • Paegan • Pari • Pelione • Phardos • Pilar • Procyon • Proxima • Qizan • Qual'at • Quindar • Rigil Kentaurus • Salayna • Samaara • Shaandra • Shahr • Sinuiji • Sol • Tajarhi • Tali • Temir • Thelonii • Tholus • Tulan • Tutakai • Xanthii • Yaan • Za'faran • Zaahm • Zindar
Enterprise-subclass (Constitution-class class XI/class XII cruiser/heavy cruiser starships)
Federation, Starfleet Ships of various specifications NCC-1335 • Achilles • Apollo • Boone • Christopher Pike • Explorer • Furious • Huntington • Icarus • Independence • Jefferson • Kelleghan • Lucas • Musashi • Rauer • Salazar • Somers • Tigress • Vengeance • heavy cruiser (CA): Constellation II • Goeben • Eximer • Oriskany • Republic • Reshadije • Ramilles • Constitution • Enterprise • Farragut II • rear-fire heavy cruiser (CAR): Yorktown • Exeter • Intrepid II • Valiant II • Potemkin • Monitor • Hornet • Merimac • Endeavour • Defiance • advanced heavy cruiser (CA+): Excelsior • Hood • Wasp • El Dorado • Ari • Saratoga • Tori • Krieger • Port Moresby • Pharsallus • Hastings • Arbela • heavy drone cruiser (CAD): Agincourt • Ballista • Barr • Reprisal • Vulture • command cruiser (CC): Essex • Excalibur II • Kongo • Lafayette • Lexington • heavy command cruiser (CB): Alesia • Alfeld • Austerlitz • Basra • Cannae • Coral Sea • Gaugamela • Gettysburg • Golan • Gravelotte • Inchon • Isandhlwana • Kadesh • Khe Son • Kursk • Panjsher • Rocroi • Rossbach • Suomussalmi • Tannenberg • Thermopolae • Poltava • Vincennes • fire support cruiser (CFS): Highwayman • Knight Errant • Paladin • Ranger • advanced fire support cruiser (CFS+): Berserker • Cavalier • Fencer • Samurai • tactical command cruiser (TCC): Enterprise-A • galactic survey cruiser: Achernar UFP emblem. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Refit to mk I specification Enterprise • Bismark • Excalibur II • Yamato • Challenger • Valiant II • Essex • Bonhomme Richard • Potemkin • Constellation II • Intrepid • Centurion (fm. Farragut II) • Lexington • Yorktown • Wasp • Forrestal • Republic • Akagi • Rivoli Built to mk I specification Exeter • Defiant • Hood • Valley Forge • Oriskany • Republic • Hancock • Minsk • Yorktown
Refit to mk II specification Eagle • Santissima Trinidad • Marseille • Radetsky Built to mk II specification Zuiho • Graf Zeppelin • Soryu • Hiryu • King George V • Prince of Wales • Franklin • Victory II • Scharnhorst • Gneisenau • Kaga II •Kirishima • Freidland • Konigsberg • Clemenceau
Refit to mk III specification Kongo • Saratoga • El Dorado • Ticonderoga • Kitty Hawk Built to mk III specification Kearsarge • Bunker Hill • Chikuma • Emperador • Ukrania • Marcello • Fontana • Java
Terran Empire, Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Constellation • Contemptible • Deceiver • Enterprise (refit) • Enterprise-A • Farragut • Intrepid • Nixon • Relentless Seal of the Terran Empire.



USS Kongo on Star Trek 4.

  • For whatever reason, the starship on the cover of the novelization Star Trek 4 (and reused on The Star Trek Reader) was numbered "NCC-1710", implying it was this vessel.



External links[]
