Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Larek was a 23rd century Vulcan woman. She served in Starfleet as a security officer aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise in the 2270s decade. She wore a skintight heating garment to approximate Vulcan desert heat and compensate for the relative cold aboard the Enterprise.


In the year 2273, she became bored with her life of contemplation on Vulcan and decided to participate in Human activities, joining Starfleet. She attended Starfleet Academy, finding the studies unchallenging and its accompanying hazing to be distracting. She developed few friendships with Humans, but one of them led to her being assigned to the refit Enterprise as a cadet during the V'Ger crisis.

In 2277, she served aboard the ship on her first training mission as an ensign. She was selected to join a landing party to search the surface of Varda III by James T. Kirk. He thought she had the potential to become an excellent officer if she were able to nurture a sense of compassion.

Larek destroyed a mind spore factory and drew the attention of Klingon troops by yelling epithets. Kirk was surprised, wondering where she could have learned those. (TOS - Plot-Your-Own Adventure Stories novella: Distress Call!)



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) security & tactical personnel
under Robert April F. D. Reed under Christopher Pike P. Bryce • Collins • Endel • A. Hardin • Orloff • D. Reed • Ross • Noonien-Singh • M. Takahara • B. Tuval • Valdini Federation icon image. Enterprise ops icon image.
under James T. Kirk
(first five-year mission)
R. Abrams • Autry • B. al Auriga • M. al-Baslama • Alonzo • Ames • J. Anderson • J. Anderson's impostor • Apple • Archer • J. Aristeides • M. A. Arrunja • Asherman • Atete • Autry • Bachman • Bardoli • Barrows • P. Bates • Baxter • H. Beason • Beltre • L. Benitez • Berengaria • Bobynin • Boyd • N. Boggs • Borido • Bounds • L. Breen • Brennan • Brentano • Brickston • J. Buchert • Butterfield • Carlisle • Carlucci • Carver • Chavez • P. Chekov • Chevalier • Ching • Chopra • Christensen • Clark • Clark • G. Collier • B. Collins • Compton • Corcoran • J. Cordova • Creighton • J. Cruz • S. Darnell • Davis • Davison • B. Davoff • DeCamp • DeCastro • Devereaux • Dickerson • Digard • Doyle • Endercott • A. Esswein • Evans • Evans • Everts • Ferris • Fields • Fitzgerald • Fitzroy • J. Freeman • M. Flynn • Fphargn • Franklin • Friedman • M. Fuller • S. Fuller • Gabler • Gallagher • D. Galloway • S. Garrovick • R. Garvin • Garvin • Gary • Gebson • Gemas • B. Giotto • Gomez • Gorden • Grant • Hacker • Hadley • S. Hallie • Hanashiro • Handley • Harlow • Harrison • Hasmid • Hendorff • Herring • Hevelin • Hilambo • Hixon • Hrolfson • A. Huff • Inciviglia • Jakobs • Jameson • M. Jameson • Jamison • Jansen • Jennings • Johnson • Johnson • R. Johnson • Johnstone • M. Josephs • Kaplan • A. Kaplan • Kasuki • Kelly • Kellum • R. Kelowitz • Klinsky • Kirby • Korenman • Krawchuk • Lamia • Lang (Ensign) • Lang (Lieutenant Commander) • Lebrun • R. Lemli • S. Lerner • Leskanich • R. Leslie • Levitz • Lewis • Lindenbaum • Ling • Lopez • Lowry • Mallard • Mallory • Manning • Marple • Martins • Masaryk • Masters • E. Mathews • Matthews • McGaren • Meyers • Michaels • N. Minecci • Montgomery • M. Moore • Morton • Mosley • Murphy • B. Nairobi • Namura • H. Ndugu • Neal • Nelson • Neon • L. Nguyen • A. Nored • O'Herlihy • O'Hyr • Olag • E. Olaus • O'Neill • Onorax • Ordover • Organa • Osborne • O'Shay • Oyama • Paikert • Parham • Patten • Pauli • Phillips • Porter • Pulaski • F. Ragsdale • Rainer • E. Rayburn • Reems • Reichert • Rivera • Rizzo • R'leez • B. Robinson • Rogers • Rojas • Rowe • Sanders • A. Schang • Shanti • Shea • Sheckley • Shimada • Silverman • Sinclair • Slott • Smith • Snnanagfashtalli • K. Spencer • J. Stanger • Steib • D. Steinberg • Sentell • Stragey • Suarez • Swenson • Tadaki • Thomas • J. Thompson • Thorton • Timmons • Tique • I. Tomson • Trancas • Tremayne • Trucco • Tuan • Tully • Tuthill • Ush • Valdini • J. van Dreenan • Van Pelt • Vierne • Vinci • M. Vorozh • Wein • Wheeler • J. Williams • Williams • Willis • B. Wilson • Wodsworth • Wolfman • Wood • Worsley • Wu
subsequent missions under Kirk & Spock J. Aragonés • M. A. Arrunja • Anderson • Barnes • Barrasso • M. Bergstresser • J. Byrnes • Carver • Castora • Chavez • Chavi'rru • P. Chekov • S. th'Clane • T. Collins • Corey • Davidson • Dobius • Emigh • Estano • Farnsworth • M. Fox • Friedman • Galloway • Garrison • Glaser • Gomez • L. Gottlieb • Gunderson • S. Hallie • M. Howard • Hrdina • Jaffe • Jagr • Keth • Kinitz • C. Lance • Larek • M. Latham • Lemieux • C. Leno • D. Markson • C. Matlock • S. Mendoza • Merlino • Mosley • Mullen • Murphy • M. Nizhoni • O'Grady • S. Ohara • Padilla • Paek • Pearson • J. Perez • Pfeiffer • Phillips • M. Publicker • Ralston • Ramirez • R. Randall • Recchi • Richardson • Robinson • B. Robinson • Samuelsson • Santana • Sh'aow • Smith • Sternbach • B. St. John • D. Sweeney • Tagsut • Takashida • F. Tanka • Tate • Tenzing • T'Hesh • Tiilson • Tocchet • Todd • Trottier • Umeki • Vlastikovich • B. Wagner • Worene • J. Workman • Yendes • M. Z'ar • Zorn Federation icon image. x40px icon image.
see also: administrative personnel • communications personnel • engineering personnel • medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed (2240s and 2250s • 2260s • 2270s and 2280s)


Appearances and references[]
