Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Organa was a 23rd century woman, a member of Starfleet who served in the security department on the Federation starship USS Enterprise in the 2260s decade.


Organa was of small stature, taught dance classes, and had earned the rank of lieutenant by the year 2268.

In 2268, while the ship was on an ongoing intruder alert, officers shared their single staterooms. During the emergency, she and her friends Nyota Uhura and Christine Chapel shared quarters.

Organa was one of 22 members of security participating in maneuvering a polarizing induction field around the ship that aimed to disperse a non-corporeal, electrostatic lifeform, a "poltergeist" on the Enterprise who was in reality the disembodied consciousness of Captain James T. Kirk. During a briefing on the procedure, she asked whether the disruption field already produced by the warp nacelles would prevent the lifeform from retreating there. She, Dan Miller, and Fphargn moved and reassembled a proton wave-induction generator from the physics laboratory. (TOS novel: Ghost-Walker)

By 2270, Organa attended Hikaru Sulu's martial arts classes. (TOS novel: Crossroad)

The name "Organa" assigned to this character seems to be a reference to the Star Wars characters Princess Leia Organa and Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan. Author Barbara Hambly included many other cross references to Star Wars in her Star Trek work, and also has authored Star Wars publications.



USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) security & tactical personnel
under Robert April F. D. Reed under Christopher Pike P. Bryce • Collins • Endel • A. Hardin • Orloff • D. Reed • Ross • Noonien-Singh • M. Takahara • B. Tuval • Valdini Federation icon image. Enterprise ops icon image.
under James T. Kirk
(first five-year mission)
R. Abrams • Autry • B. al Auriga • M. al-Baslama • Alonzo • Ames • J. Anderson • J. Anderson's impostor • Apple • Archer • J. Aristeides • M. A. Arrunja • Asherman • Atete • Autry • Bachman • Bardoli • Barrows • P. Bates • Baxter • H. Beason • Beltre • L. Benitez • Berengaria • Bobynin • Boyd • N. Boggs • Borido • Bounds • L. Breen • Brennan • Brentano • Brickston • J. Buchert • Butterfield • Carlisle • Carlucci • Carver • Chavez • P. Chekov • Chevalier • Ching • Chopra • Christensen • Clark • Clark • G. Collier • B. Collins • Compton • Corcoran • J. Cordova • Creighton • J. Cruz • S. Darnell • Davis • Davison • B. Davoff • DeCamp • DeCastro • Devereaux • Dickerson • Digard • Doyle • Endercott • A. Esswein • Evans • Evans • Everts • Ferris • Fields • Fitzgerald • Fitzroy • J. Freeman • M. Flynn • Fphargn • Franklin • Friedman • M. Fuller • S. Fuller • Gabler • Gallagher • D. Galloway • S. Garrovick • R. Garvin • Garvin • Gary • Gebson • Gemas • B. Giotto • Gomez • Gorden • Grant • Hacker • Hadley • S. Hallie • Hanashiro • Handley • Harlow • Harrison • Hasmid • Hendorff • Herring • Hevelin • Hilambo • Hixon • Hrolfson • A. Huff • Inciviglia • Jakobs • Jameson • M. Jameson • Jamison • Jansen • Jennings • Johnson • Johnson • R. Johnson • Johnstone • M. Josephs • Kaplan • A. Kaplan • Kasuki • Kelly • Kellum • R. Kelowitz • Klinsky • Kirby • Korenman • Krawchuk • Lamia • Lang (Ensign) • Lang (Lieutenant Commander) • Lebrun • R. Lemli • S. Lerner • Leskanich • R. Leslie • Levitz • Lewis • Lindenbaum • Ling • Lopez • Lowry • Mallard • Mallory • Manning • Marple • Martins • Masaryk • Masters • E. Mathews • Matthews • McGaren • Meyers • Michaels • N. Minecci • Montgomery • M. Moore • Morton • Mosley • Murphy • B. Nairobi • Namura • H. Ndugu • Neal • Nelson • Neon • L. Nguyen • A. Nored • O'Herlihy • O'Hyr • Olag • E. Olaus • O'Neill • Onorax • Ordover • Organa • Osborne • O'Shay • Oyama • Paikert • Parham • Patten • Pauli • Phillips • Porter • Pulaski • F. Ragsdale • Rainer • E. Rayburn • Reems • Reichert • Rivera • Rizzo • R'leez • B. Robinson • Rogers • Rojas • Rowe • Sanders • A. Schang • Shanti • Shea • Sheckley • Shimada • Silverman • Sinclair • Slott • Smith • Snnanagfashtalli • K. Spencer • J. Stanger • Steib • D. Steinberg • Sentell • Stragey • Suarez • Swenson • Tadaki • Thomas • J. Thompson • Thorton • Timmons • Tique • I. Tomson • Trancas • Tremayne • Trucco • Tuan • Tully • Tuthill • Ush • Valdini • J. van Dreenan • Van Pelt • Vierne • Vinci • M. Vorozh • Wein • Wheeler • J. Williams • Williams • Willis • B. Wilson • Wodsworth • Wolfman • Wood • Worsley • Wu
subsequent missions under Kirk & Spock J. Aragonés • M. A. Arrunja • Anderson • Barnes • Barrasso • M. Bergstresser • J. Byrnes • Carver • Castora • Chavez • Chavi'rru • P. Chekov • S. th'Clane • T. Collins • Corey • Davidson • Dobius • Emigh • Estano • Farnsworth • M. Fox • Friedman • Galloway • Garrison • Glaser • Gomez • L. Gottlieb • Gunderson • S. Hallie • M. Howard • Hrdina • Jaffe • Jagr • Keth • Kinitz • C. Lance • Larek • M. Latham • Lemieux • C. Leno • D. Markson • C. Matlock • S. Mendoza • Merlino • Mosley • Mullen • Murphy • M. Nizhoni • O'Grady • S. Ohara • Padilla • Paek • Pearson • J. Perez • Pfeiffer • Phillips • M. Publicker • Ralston • Ramirez • R. Randall • Recchi • Richardson • Robinson • B. Robinson • Samuelsson • Santana • Sh'aow • Smith • Sternbach • B. St. John • D. Sweeney • Tagsut • Takashida • F. Tanka • Tate • Tenzing • T'Hesh • Tiilson • Tocchet • Todd • Trottier • Umeki • Vlastikovich • B. Wagner • Worene • J. Workman • Yendes • M. Z'ar • Zorn Federation icon image. x40px icon image.
see also: administrative personnel • communications personnel • engineering personnel • medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed (2240s and 2250s • 2260s • 2270s and 2280s)

Appearances and references[]
