Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Introduction (blurb)[]

Dr. Elizabeth Lense has had a fine career. She was first in her class at Starfleet Medical - ahead of the genetically enhanced Julian Bashir -- and a hero during the Dominion War, and is now the chief medical officer on the USS da Vinci. But Captain David Gold notices that her performance has not been up to snuff. She's been listless and stressed, and is delegating most of her responsibilities to the da Vinci's Emergency Medical Hologram.

Her malaise couldn't possibly come at a worse time, because a virus has erupted on Sherman's Planet -- and the planet's entire population, as well as the crew of the da Vinci, are now marked for death by the virulent plague!

Can Lense find her way out of depression to determine a cure? And will the cure the worse than the disease?


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This article is marked as lacking essential detail, and needs attention. Information regarding expansion requirements may be found on the article's talk page. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.



John Ambrose • Abraham Auerbach • Domenica Corsi • John Copper • Kieran Duffy • Emmett • David Gold • Vance Hawkins • Jubilee • Elizabeth Lense • Fabian Stevens • Tyler • Sandy Wetzel • Songmin Wong
Referenced only
Jennifer Almieri • Heather Anderson • Julian Bashir • Richard Bashir • Bowdren • John Burke • Cioffi • Roberto Corsi • Beverly Crusher • Eberling • Emily • Diego Feliciano • Gaines • Rachel Gilman • Daniel Gold • Sonya Gomez • Khor, son of Lantar • Leff • Orosz • Phil Selden • Shvak • Esther Silver • Twistekey • Vivaldi

Starships and vehicles[]

USS da Vinci • Debenture of Triple-Lining Latinum • USS Lexington


Armstrong City • Cestus III • Deep Space 9 • Deep Space Station K-7 • Earth • Florida • Founders' homeworld • Memory Alpha • New York City • Pike City • Risa • San Francisco Bay • Sherman's Planet • Starbase 314 • Venus

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Bajoran • Bolian • Bynar • Gorn • Jem'Hadar • Nasat • Organian

States and organizations[]

"The Institute" • Klingon Empire • Royal Academy of London • Starfleet Medical • Starfleet Medical Academy • United Federation of Planets

Other references[]

Augment • axe • ballerina • Battle of Donatu V • biofilter • damitol • dilithium • ebola • Eugenics Wars • The Four Seasons • genetic engineering • grapes • Organian Peace Treaty • Patient Zero • Planetary Administrator • postganglionic nerve • preganglionic fiber • Prime Directive • September 11 • Seventh Guarantee • Sherman's Plague • smallpox • Starfleet Medical Regulations • swimming pool • tangerine juice • Vulcan bebonea • wine • yellow fever


  • This book is notable for having the first Trek reference to the events of September 11, 2001.

Related stories[]

Star Trek: Corps of Engineers stories and publications
eBooks The Belly of the Beast • Fatal Error • Hard Crash • Interphase (Part One • Part Two) • Cold Fusion • Invincible (Part One • Part Two) • The Riddled Post • Here There Be Monsters • Ambush • Some Assembly Required • No Surrender • Caveat Emptor • Past Life • Oaths • Foundations • Enigma Ship • War Stories • Wildfire • Home Fires • Age of Unreason • Balance of Nature • Breakdowns • Aftermath • Ishtar Rising • Buying Time • Collective Hindsight • The Demon • Ring Around the Sky • Orphans • Grand Designs • Failsafe • Bitter Medicine • Sargasso Sector • Paradise Interrupted • Where Time Stands Still • The Art of the Deal • Spin • Creative Couplings • Small World • Malefictorum • Lost Time • Identity Crisis • Fables of the Prime Directive • Security • Wounds • Out of the Cocoon • Honor • Blackout • The Cleanup • Progress • The Future Begins • Echoes of Coventry • Distant Early Warning • 10 is Better Than 01 • Many Splendors • Turn the Page • Troubleshooting • The Light • The Art of the Comeback • Signs from Heaven • Ghost • Remembrance of Things Past
Short stories "Field Expediency" • "An Easy Fast"
Omnibuses Have Tech, Will Travel • Miracle Workers • Some Assembly Required • No Surrender • Foundations • Wildfire • Breakdowns • Aftermath • Grand Designs • Creative Couplings • Wounds • Out of the Cocoon • What's Past


published order
Previous eBook:
Past Life
SCE eBooks Next eBook:
Foundations, Book One
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Child's Play
Pocket Next Adventure:
Rising Son
Chapter 8, Section 5