Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Introduction (blurb)[]

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An omnibus of SCE novellas originally published as eBooks:


Related stories[]

Star Trek: Corps of Engineers stories and publications
eBooks The Belly of the Beast • Fatal Error • Hard Crash • Interphase (Part One • Part Two) • Cold Fusion • Invincible (Part One • Part Two) • The Riddled Post • Here There Be Monsters • Ambush • Some Assembly Required • No Surrender • Caveat Emptor • Past Life • Oaths • Foundations • Enigma Ship • War Stories • Wildfire • Home Fires • Age of Unreason • Balance of Nature • Breakdowns • Aftermath • Ishtar Rising • Buying Time • Collective Hindsight • The Demon • Ring Around the Sky • Orphans • Grand Designs • Failsafe • Bitter Medicine • Sargasso Sector • Paradise Interrupted • Where Time Stands Still • The Art of the Deal • Spin • Creative Couplings • Small World • Malefictorum • Lost Time • Identity Crisis • Fables of the Prime Directive • Security • Wounds • Out of the Cocoon • Honor • Blackout • The Cleanup • Progress • The Future Begins • Echoes of Coventry • Distant Early Warning • 10 is Better Than 01 • Many Splendors • Turn the Page • Troubleshooting • The Light • The Art of the Comeback • Signs from Heaven • Ghost • Remembrance of Things Past
Short stories "Field Expediency" • "An Easy Fast"
Omnibuses Have Tech, Will Travel • Miracle Workers • Some Assembly Required • No Surrender • Foundations • Wildfire • Breakdowns • Aftermath • Grand Designs • Creative Couplings • Wounds • Out of the Cocoon • What's Past


published order
Previous book:
Creative Couplings
SCE omnibuses Next book:
Out of the Cocoon
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
See individual novellas
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
See individual novellas

External link[]
