Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
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When a ferocious plasma storm strikes the entire Bajoran system, Deep Space Nine becomes a port under siege, filled to overflowing with stranded space travelers, unpredictable aliens, and Klingon smugglers. Worf and Odo find themselves tested to the limit as they struggle to control the chaos that has consumed the station.
But even greater danger faces Dax and botanist Keiko O'Brien when they must fly a runabout into the very heart of the storm -- and encounter a strange new form of life!


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Alons • Ari • Julian Bashir • Betenn Catrin • Betenn Krystal • Cali • Clan'cee • Col • Jadzia Dax • De Groodt • Drennela Fort • Iis • Kelly • Kira Nerys • Larah • Leeta • Mooh • Morn • Keiko O'Brien • Miles O'Brien • Molly O'Brien • Odo • Quark • Ransi • Rom • Sebas • Benjamin Sisko • Jake Sisko • Theosi • Ton • Worf • Kasidy Yates • Zeischner • unnamed Marlkins
Referenced only
Betenn Brucen • Curzon Dax • Tobin Dax • Gowron • Kaasin • Kurn • Lau • Meln • Mogh • Nesser • Nog • Jean-Luc Picard • William Riker • Alexander Rozhenko • Shakaar Edon • Shorci • Jennifer Sisko • Deanna Troi


Bajoran sector • Deep Space 9 • Operations center • Promenade • Quark's
Referenced only
Andoria • Aruth • Badlands • Bajor (Denarii quarter) • Bajoran wormhole • Bernice Province • Betazed • Boreth • Cardassia • Celestial Temple • Cardassia • County Cork • Cybriss Valley • Earth • Gamma Quadrant • Khitomer • Qo'noS • Rw'arez sector • Starfleet Headquarters • Tantrus II • Transient Registration • Trill

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Ceres (Starfleet scoutship) • USS Defiant (Defiant-class) • Hum'bernt (Bajoran tug) • IKS Katon (Klingon yacht) • Reaper (Klingon transport) • USS Rubicon (Danube-class runabout)
Referenced only
Andorian freighter • USS Enterprise-D • moon shuttle • sailship • SS Xhosa

Races and cultures[]

Bajoran • Betazoid • Changeling • Ferengi • Human • Klingon • Lurian • Marlkin • Risan • Sattar • Temmorian • Trill
Referenced only
Andorian • Borg • Cardassian • Delanian • Jem'Hadar • Prophets • Romulan

States and organizations[]

Bajoran Militia • House of Maang • House of Napos • Klingon Empire • Sattar Collective • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets
Referenced only
Bajoran Flight Control • Bajoran Resistance • Dominion • Federation Council • Ferengi Alliance • House of Mogh • Klingon High Council • Maquis • Starfleet Academy • Trill Symbiont Institute • University of Betazed

Science and technology[]

airlock • Alfvén wave • anti-grav pallet • atmospheric intake vent • bomb • cloaking device • coma • computer • dexitrin • fusion generator • holosuite • hour • ion trail • mile • mine • navigational array • nitrogen • PADD • particle accelerator • particle sweeper • Planck's law • plasma • plasma storm • radiation • replicator • sensor • solotine • space • star chart • time • tractor beam • transporter • tricorder • universe • warp core breach • warp drive • warp nacelle

Ranks and titles[]

captain • chief • commander • doctor • ensign • investigator • King of Aruth • lieutenant • Senior Mate • senior officer • smuggler • strategic operations officer • technician • warrior

Other references[]

bat'leth • Battle of the Omarion Nebula • ba'zon • Bernitii • blimenny • bridge • cargo bay • catwalk • cheese sandwich • container • corridor • dabo • darts • equestrianism • Ferengi Rules of Acquisition • government • Gratitude Festival • hull • Hum'taS • Klingonese • latinum • Noh • Occupation of Bajor • planet • pony • qu'vatlh • saucer section • sector • Serran • skeleton crew • Starfleet uniform • tubba • vacuum mite • war • weapon • week


Background information[]

Related stories[]

External link[]


published order
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DS9 numbered novels Next novel:
Wrath of the Prophets
chronological order
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Pocket Next Adventure:
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Deep Space Nine Adventures Next Adventure: