
Octopus Server compatibility

The table below outlines the backward compatibility between Octopus Server and related components

Octopus ServerOctopus.Client & Octopus CLI (octo)CalamariTentacleTeamCity PluginOctopus CLI (octopus) ➜ latest3.2
3.33.3 ➜ ➜ latest3.3 ➜ latest
3.43.3 ➜ ➜ latest3.3 ➜ latest
3.5 ➜ 2018.23.3 ➜ ➜ latest3.0 ➜ latest3.3 ➜ latest
2018.2 ➜ 2018.124.30.7 ➜ ➜ latest3.0 ➜ latest3.3 ➜ latest
2019.1*5.0.0 ➜ ➜ latest4.0 ➜ latest5.0 ➜ latest
2019.2* ➜ latest6.0.0 ➜ latest3.5 ➜ latest4.0 ➜ latest5.0 ➜ latest
2022.4* ➜ latest6.0.0 ➜ latest3.5 ➜ latest4.0 ➜ latest5.0 ➜ latest2.0 ➜ latest

* Partial forward compatibility

Older versions of some libraries and plugins may work with 2019.1 and higher only if the default space is enabled and such integrations are only used against that space. To make use of other spaces, please upgrade.

However, 2019.1 also carries some breaking changes to the API so care must be taken when upgrading from a prior version that existing integrations are not affected. There is a comprehensive rundown of these changes available in our downloads section.

The table below outlines partially forwards compatible scenarios between Octopus Server and related components

Octopus ServerOctopus.Client & Octopus CLI (octo)CalamariTentacleTeamCity Plugin
2019.1 ➜ latest4.30.7 ➜ ➜ ➜ 3.253.3 ➜ latest

Operating System compatibility

We recommend using an up to date version of Windows Server for Octopus which is generally one of the last two versions of Windows Server. The table below outlines the backward compatibility of Octopus and Windows Server editions.

Octopus ServerMinimum Windows Server version
2020.1 ➜ latestServer 2012 R2+
2019.4 ➜ 2019.13Server 2008 R2
3.1 ➜ 2019.3Server 2008+
1.0 ➜ 3.0Server 2003+

SQL Server compatibility

We recommend using an up to date version of SQL Server for Octopus which is generally one of the last versions of SQL Server for security, and performance benefits. The table below outlines the backward compatibility of Octopus and SQL Server editions.

Octopus ServerMinimum SQL Server versionAzure SQL
2020.2.x ➜ latestSQL Server 2016+Supported
3.0 ➜ 2019.13SQL Server 2008+Supported

The following versions of Octopus have a requirement for SQL Server 2017+.

  • 2020.2.0 âžœ 2020.2.17
  • 2020.3.0 âžœ 2020.3.5

This requirement has been relaxed to SQL Server 2016+ for any patch version later than specified in this note. Please see this post for further details.

In Octopus 1.0 ➜ 2.6.5 it used RavenDB and we switched to SQL in Octopus 3.0. You can read more about it in our blog post.

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Page updated on Wednesday, August 21, 2024