
As usual, not sure what caused the problem. Started laptop as usual.

But now every project i open, opens in $HOME directory instead of start directory, which is project root by default.

Tried vscode, webstorm, intellij - results were the same.

Further investigation have shown, that dragging absolute path to the terminal + enter causes following error:

zsh: permission denied: /Users/<MyName>/Code/Local/Rust/http-server

I have full read/write permissions, i added FullDiskPermissions to all apps that might need them.

Apps with full disk permissions:
apps with full disk permissions

I know it sounds like a minor issue, but i code every day and it's really annoying.

  • "I have full read/write permissions" I don't think you do. I tend to believe what the Terminal reports. So you can't even cd to walk from home down into a project? What happens when you try it one level at a time? cd Code then cd Local and so on.
    – matt
    Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 15:14
  • @matt sorry, had to write it initally: cd /Users/<MyName>/Code/<companyName>/extractor works fine. Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 15:21
  • Then there is no problem, I take it, except that the terminal doesn't actually open into that project. In other words, you are expecting the terminal to open with a certain directory as its working directory and it isn't. I don't know why you expect that. It isn't something that happens all by itself; you have to configure it. You can read pages like this one if you want to know how to set the working directory on launch: stackoverflow.com/questions/5696757/…
    – matt
    Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 15:33
  • @matt hmm, i guess the main problem is - in jetbrains/vscode default settings are to open terminal in project folder. And at the moment they are not doing that. If you take a look at this screenshot, you'll see - each project have starting folder at the project root, but it's not used for some reason. Image. Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 15:47
  • So now you're asking a very specific question about the behavior of a particular app. You should probably start over; delete this question and ask that one instead. Give specifics about how you've set the app up, and prove that the target folder does in fact exist; so far you've said that cd /Users/<MyName>/Code/<companyName>/extractor works but that is not what it says in that screen shot, so there's a disconnect somewhere.
    – matt
    Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 15:58

1 Answer 1


It's not actually an answer, i still don't know what solved it. But i somehow managed to resume the old behaviour.

The problem was global, terminal was opening in the wrong path everywhere, even from the Finder.

I reinstalled zsh, oh-my-zsh, volta (node.js version control tool) - so make sure to check if you have any of the following installed.

And after a day torture it suddenly started working as it used to.

  • This is nice but it's not helpful to others, and Stack Overflow is no one's personal blog. Plus this was never really a programming question, it seems.
    – matt
    Commented Aug 7, 2022 at 11:59

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