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How to use a custom behaviour in MAUI

In my .NET 8 MAUI project, I have a custom component that returns my model. For this, component, I created a custom behaviour - this is the code: public class IsLanguageNullOrEmptyBehavior : Behavior&...
Enrico's user avatar
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Error while Converting Synchronous Action Filter to Asynchronous in ASP.NET Core 8 Web API

I have developed a synchronous action filter for an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API. Recently, I converted this action filter to an asynchronous version. However, during validation, I encountered the following ...
santosh kumar patro's user avatar
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How to update labels while a process is running?

I'm building a Desktop Application where the user scans in an ID, and it looks up information in the database, and then if the correct information is found, it then generate a pdf based on some of the ...
Musical Coder's user avatar
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gRPC with Microsoft AuthenticationStateProvider problems

I recently set up a new gRPC Project, containing simple a Server, Client and Contract Sub-Project. Server will be deployed as a WebService, Client is goind to be an android app. Contract containing ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Twilio SMS Sandbox

I'm developing a simple SMS chatbot and using Twilio (and .NET 8 and C#), but for the time being, I can't test that things are working since I'm waiting on our A2P campaign to be approved. Is there a ...
Dan's user avatar
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WPF application allocates huge number of TimerQueueTimer objects

I've got WPF application built with .NET 8, at some point it suddenly spiked both on CPU and memory. I managed to capture memory snapshot and it seems like there are lots of TimerQueueTimer objects ...
Aydar Shamsutdinov's user avatar
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Mapping collection of primitives to JSON in EF Core

I'm using EF Core with Postgres. An entity includes these properties, which I store as JSON: public ICollection<long> Foo { get; } public IDictionary<long, long> Bar { get; } This ...
lonix's user avatar
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Scaffolding (DB first) does not generate Model class

Hi I tried to generate model class based on existing view. This is the command I used in PMC: Scaffold-DbContext "//connectionstring" Oracle.EntityFrameworkCore -schema //schema -table //...
Jia Soon Loo's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 8 MVC - view model validations

I have an ASP.NET Core 8 MVC application. Currently I'm trying to have an admin have the ability to create new clients for their e-commerce site. They have a simple form looking like this: NewClient....
DonDavid12's user avatar
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Reading as 'System.Object' is not supported for fields having DataType during adapter.Fill(dataTable) postgresSQL

I have my C# code upgraded from .NET 6 to .NET 8. This code used to work fine in .NET 6: using (var adapter = new NpgsqlDataAdapter(sql, context.Database.GetDbConnection() as NpgsqlConnection)) { ...
user3097695's user avatar
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VS Code take too much time to run a simple ASP.NET Core 8 MVC website but nothing works [closed]

I was trying to run an ASP.NET (MVC) website called "GuitarStore". The building process dotnet build is fine but not for the running process dotnet run. It keeps stopping running at a ...
Thái Uyên Giang's user avatar
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POST fails with invalid or missing data

I am trying to send data to the endpoint described in Which fails with "invalid user data". I assume this can both indicate that the data is ...
JoeTaicoon's user avatar
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.NET Core / Entity Framework Core not updating, seemingly referencing a migration history database even when it doesn't exist

dotnet ef migrations add X This works and adds three files (if there are no other migrations at all) in the migration folder, X.cs, X.Designer.cs and QuizzDbContextModelSnapshot.cs. dotnet ef ...
AME's user avatar
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.NET 8 application file written gets lost after a while

I have a .NET 8 application which, among other things, has the following functionality: it contains a hosted service that fetches some records from a database, produces some .txt files and writes them ...
Giorgos Manoltzas's user avatar
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401 after I add [authorize] to my endpoint, logs included

Nothing is working I tried everything, chatgpt, docs I think something is wrong but I don't know what! My frontend is swagger, also when I check my JWT token on, it seems to work. Here are the ...
Abdou El Mesnaoui's user avatar

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