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Error while Converting Synchronous Action Filter to Asynchronous in ASP.NET Core 8 Web API

I have developed a synchronous action filter for an ASP.NET Core 8 Web API. Recently, I converted this action filter to an asynchronous version. However, during validation, I encountered the following ...
santosh kumar patro's user avatar
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Why is not rendermode changes back to SSR in .NET8 Blazor?

I am using the following code to change the rendermodes programatically: @code{ [CascadingParameter] private HttpContext HttpContext { get; set; } = default!; private IComponentRenderMode?...
vajuakos's user avatar
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AspNet Core Razor Pages app with Keycloak in docker

I am trying to configure an AspNet Core Web App (Razor Pages) with Keycloak (25.0.5) and Docker. My setup includes (in docker compose file) a postgres container a keycloak container a container for ...
user23137927's user avatar
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.NET 8 isolated Azure function not running anymore

I saw this morning that an Azure function was not running anymore, while I didn't change anything to the code/configuration. I tried to disable and enable the function, but since I disabled it, it ...
Scryper's user avatar
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Clicked row indication stops working as soon as a callback is being invoked by RowClickEvent in MudBlazor table

While trying to implement and adapt this MudBlazor table example here: MudBlazor example: Click Event and display for selected Row, I invoke a callback from RowClickEvent: private void RowClickEvent(...
soomon's user avatar
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Issue logging out from Duende Identity Server 7 from Maui Client

I used the sample client for Duende hosted at Using the Android Emulator, I was able to successfully login, but when I attempt ...
dalevross's user avatar
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How to update labels while a process is running?

I'm building a Desktop Application where the user scans in an ID, and it looks up information in the database, and then if the correct information is found, it then generate a pdf based on some of the ...
Musical Coder's user avatar
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gRPC with Microsoft AuthenticationStateProvider problems

I recently set up a new gRPC Project, containing simple a Server, Client and Contract Sub-Project. Server will be deployed as a WebService, Client is goind to be an android app. Contract containing ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Twilio SMS Sandbox

I'm developing a simple SMS chatbot and using Twilio (and .NET 8 and C#), but for the time being, I can't test that things are working since I'm waiting on our A2P campaign to be approved. Is there a ...
Dan's user avatar
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WPF application allocates huge number of TimerQueueTimer objects

I've got WPF application built with .NET 8, at some point it suddenly spiked both on CPU and memory. I managed to capture memory snapshot and it seems like there are lots of TimerQueueTimer objects ...
Aydar Shamsutdinov's user avatar
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How to read a cookie in razor component with RenderMode="InteractiveServer"? (Blazor Server + Net 8)

I have a Blazor Server app in Net 8. Authentication: none Interactive render mode: Server Interactivity location: Per page/component I am trying to read a cookie with user logged data in a razor ...
Antonio LM's user avatar
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Share blazor dialogs across projects within the same solution

I have a solution with multiple .NET 8 Blazor projects, including a class library used to share common code. Solution - Project 1 - Project 2 - SharedLibrary Now I'd like to share Blazor dialogs. My ...
soomon's user avatar
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Mapping collection of primitives to JSON in EF Core

I'm using EF Core with Postgres. An entity includes these properties, which I store as JSON: public ICollection<long> Foo { get; } public IDictionary<long, long> Bar { get; } This ...
lonix's user avatar
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Hide False MSAL MSAL.NetCore .NET 8.0.8 logging messages

In a .NET 8 API project, I'm logging via Serilog to a Application Insights. With every request, I see a lot of False MSAL MSAL.NetCore .NET 8.0.8 messages which I want to hide in traces. In ...
NiAu's user avatar
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.Net 8 Blazor WASM PWA Install button shows locally and disappear when published

The current Blazro WASM application was created as PWA. When I run it locally during the development the install app icon shows normally When I publish the application on IIS or change the ...
Abdulsalam Elsharif's user avatar

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