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What is wrong in my code of 2d array by taking input from user using c [duplicate]

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int i,j,m,n; int a[m][n]; printf("enter the row of matrix:"); scanf("%d", &m); printf("enter the column of ...
neerajrawat's user avatar
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What is the best practise when working with 2D arrays in C, if it exists?

Question: What is the best practise when working with 2D arrays in C, if it exists? As far as I program in C I always get my mind confused whenever using 2D arrays would be convenient. I like ...
veronika_cz's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Why won't the average column amount not calculate?

I want to print out the average amount of an 2D array column, by filling the matrix with random numbers #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int m = 0; int ...
Pariya's user avatar
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C, 2D Array, How to find specific number in all 8 directions

You are allowed to enter only 0 and 1 as values in the arrays. Then in place of all elements having a value of 0, enter the number of elements with a value of 1 around that element in all eight ...
d3ko's user avatar
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How do I put a 2d array of chars into a 2d grid array cells

I'm trying to make a 2048 game right now but I'm having trouble putting my 2d character array into the 2d grid array cells that I made. I'm a beginner programmer learning the basics of C. Here is the ...
Jorydz7's user avatar
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3 answers

C language how to remove or not show rows with 0 value column

for example, we have this 0 1 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 matrix I want to show just rows and columns with non zero elements the final matrix view should be this 1 0 1 3 1 0 1 5 0 how can I remove ...
Alies's user avatar
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Return 2d array and pass it as argument to another function

I'm new to C, I would like to ask a question about the use of functions in C. I need to create two functions, the first one to create a 2D array and the second to print it. I use a file called ...
Kitama's user avatar
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Read a file character by character and pass them to an array in C

I have to parse a matrix from a file which first line characters are the rows and the cols count and the next lines are the matrix values. The file contains: 3 3 R R B B G G G B R I wrote the ...
Ayho's user avatar
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2 votes
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C 2D Arrays removing certain predetermined rows by shifting the ones below it

This is my first post here. An assignment of my online course in C asked me to remove each row in a real(non dynamically allocated, pointers are not used) whose average sum is greater than the ...
THE_CRANIUM's user avatar
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Removing a column of a 2D Array in C by overwriting its elements

I need help with understanding the mechanism of removing a column of a matrix. Say, if I had a matrix which looks as follows: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 I'd want to remove the second column so the whole ...
l0ner9's user avatar
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Going through 2D matrix Bubble-Sort C

So, that's the sorting of 2D matrix like a snake. Here's my code but there are a few problems. Sorting doesn't go as I wanted. It has inifinite cycles almost in every size of matrix. I don't ...
Elgernon's user avatar
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Searching for efficient clustering algorithm

In a 2D NxN matrix each point represents a area of a map. There are M numbers of customers in random areas whose service need to be served by K numbers of customer service centers in random areas. ...
Sazzad Hissain Khan's user avatar
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Static Matrix multiplication to dynamic matrix in c

I need to build program that make Matrix multiplication. When i have 2 Static matrix, and the function return pointer to the new dynamic matrix. My problem is make the multiplication right when I'm ...
XDavidT's user avatar
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Dfs using linked list in 2d matrix - C [closed]

I got for my school project a task that I dont know how to solve and I'm stuck. I have to run over this labyrinth: #T########### #.#...R.....# #.###.#.###.# #...Q.#...#.# #.#####C#...
Rastislav's user avatar
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(C) How to fill a 2D array with an input that's a full N x N matrix?

I'm trying to make a 2D array of size N x N that is going to be filled with a matrix input. printf("Enter the %d x %d matrix: \n", length, length); for (m = 0; m < length; m++) { for (n = 0; ...
Brendan Ceretto's user avatar

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