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2d vector pointing to a line

I am trying to define when a vector is pointing towards a line or not, but after many trials i don't get the results and the accuracy. Vectors are classified as facing or not facing in a pretty random ...
sdrusen's user avatar
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Finding the intersection of two lines a given perpendicular distance from the line of intersection

I'm looking for help to solve the following situation. I have a line segment defined by two points P1 and P2. And I have a ray that starts at P3 and intersects segment P1P2 at P4. I want to calculate ...
jpwrunyan's user avatar
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Regions bounds (created from a Path) are not as expected

I need to check if a point lies inside of a Path describing a 2d shape. As Path object doesn't have contains function, but Region does and we can construct a Region out of a Path I tried it. But the ...
Teddy's user avatar
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Getting uniform coordinates from a 3D plane projected as a 2D plane

3d plane projected to a 2d polygon I have the coordinates of the vertexes P1, P2, P3 and P4 that define a rectangular rectangle. Those coordinates always define a regular rectangular area and the ...
Rui Batista's user avatar
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camera project image onto CAD object

I am trying to project on image onto a CAD object using python. I know it is possible in Blender or other 3d softwares, but was trying to find a way to do it in python. Does anyone have any ...
Nikita Belooussov's user avatar
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frame rate and delta time my sprite animation with SFML in C++

I am studying 2D animation using C++ and SFML library. I use a png spritesheet. The code I wrote as a starting point is the following: #include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> #include <iostream> int ...
blowup's user avatar
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I have a gamebreaking bug in my steam multiplayer game made with unity and do not no how to fix it [closed]

I just recently decided to work on a project I started about two years ago (That's why its in unity), and somehow ended up completely breaking the multiplayer part. What I did (I believe) to make it ...
Folaires's user avatar
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I was basically trying to make my function bounce when it hits the end of the window's sceen but instead it only stops and doesn't bounce

So here, I am trying to implement a Bounce logic whenever the object called Poo (followed a tutorial) hits the end of the screen. I copied my implementation for making any object not go off the screen ...
Jayden Steiner Sable's user avatar
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Calculate Moving Average Window over 2D grid in Python - in the top there is a white horizontal area which grows bigger the bigger the chosen window

when I calculate the mean over a 2D moving grid window in Python, but there is a white line just in the top, not on the bottom, right or left, but horizontal, after which there's just white in the ...
Superior Academy's user avatar
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Hard dropping blocks isn't instant and doesn't put it in the correct spot

Godot Version: v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8] I'm trying to add the ability for blocks (frozen RigidBody2Ds) to be hard-dropped instantly (they get placed on the closest surface directly below them) ...
DragonAero's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does my dragging logic in Unity not work? (only once)

I have a script attached to a GameObject with a Collider2D attached to it as well. The script should enable me to drag the GameObject while holding down the mouse and "dropping" it by simply ...
SoggyEyeball's user avatar
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Python opencv draws polygons outside of lines

[edited] It appears there is a new bug in opencv that introduces an issue causing fillPoly's boundaries to exceed polylines's. Here is humble code to draw a red filled polygon with a blue outline. ...
Fnord's user avatar
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Weird "bug" in my LOS check, what other algorithm should i use?

Image Link So as you can see there are some weird dots on the left side, which dont look so pleasing. These weird dots are actually correct but i dont like them. I use a line algorithm with some extra ...
studio-MM's user avatar
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How to ensure that a line drawn with GL_LINES is always visible?

I need to draw a waveform exactly 1 pixel thick like Sound Forge or Wavelab does. For the example, a stereo sine wave is shown at 1:4 and 1:2 ratios. (make sure to view the pictures in full size) ...
aybe's user avatar
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"Checkerboarding" effect when rotating sprite in software renderer?

I'm writing a 2D software renderer and when rotating in certain angles I will get a sort of "checkerboarding" effect with my sprite pixels: To try and get proper rotation, I tried rounding/...
Nasir's user avatar
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