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Drawing thousands of polygons with OpenGL VBO

I'm trying to create OpenGL application capable of rendering over 100000 2d primitive objects. AFAIK, it should be possible using modern OpenGL and VBO. So here is the code (uses Qt): #include "...
Soup71's user avatar
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Drawing rectangle between two points with arbitrary width

I'm trying to draw a line between two (2D) points when the user swipes their finger across a touch screen. To do this, I plan on drawing a rectangle on every touch update between the X and Y of the ...
AaronDS's user avatar
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Starting a 2D Game in Qt [closed]

i'm trying to start a 2D game in Qt. I'm trying to find any tutorials on how to start developing it... Any good tutorial there on internet? (If it's possible Qt 4.7+)
Kazuma's user avatar
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QTopengl c++ simple 2d app

Im trying to make a simple 2D application, and our image processing professor has told us to use opengl. Im working with c++ and QT. I want to open a simple window that holds a place where I can draw ...
lesolorzanov's user avatar
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Accelerate 2d Drawing

I'm triying to make a 2D real-time plot. I've tried with modifying the osciloscope example of qwt, tried to use QGraphicsView, and QPainter to reach high framerate drawing. I'm using 8 channels to ...
Luciano Lorenti's user avatar