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Format wrong while recording in swift

I have a Flutter app and want to record audio in the native Swift part. I use an audio unit for this. I now have the problem that I cannot process the audio data in the RenderCallback correctly. When ...
Takrem's user avatar
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Setting Audio Input node for AVAudioEngine causes outside audio to stop

I'm building an app that will allow users to record voice notes. The functionality of all that is working great; I'm trying to now implement changes to the AudioSession to manage possible audio ...
narner's user avatar
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What is the proper usage of the "notifyOthersOnDeactivation" option for AVAudioSession's setActive function?

I am using this sample code for reference to add speechRecognizer to my app. The following function… private static func prepareEngine() throws -> (AVAudioEngine, ...
Rhythmus's user avatar
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Issue with Encoding Audio Buffer Data to Opus Size Being Incorrect in iOS Swift App

I'm trying to encode frames from an audio buffer to Opus data in a Swift iOS app, and send them to be encoded on a server by Whisper. The error I keep getting back from the server is opuslib....
narner's user avatar
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How to stop Xamarin iOS crashing when turning on or off Bluetooth speaker?

I've created a AVAudioSession as per the code below in my Xamarin Forms iOS app. I then create an AVAudioEngine with a AVAudioPlayerNode that successfully plays an AVAudioFile on the iPhone built-in ...
jho's user avatar
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How do I get my app to show the "Tap to Airplay" banner on launch

I would like my app to show the airplay suggestion like Spotify does. I have enabled background audio in the app's capabilities, I use try audioSession.setCategory(.playback) on app launch, and then I ...
Halpo's user avatar
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Diagnosing Swift AVAudioRecorder domain error

I'm trying to create an audio recording class. When I instantiate AVAudioRecorder I am getting the error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=1718449215 "(null)" which is not very ...
Anton's user avatar
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Activate AudioSession while app is in background or killed

I'm developing a voice communication App using Livekit SDK. Everything works fine in the foreground. AudioSession is activated, and audio is transmitted. However, I would like to add a feature. I ...
enrico-g's user avatar
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After unholding CallKit, the audio does not restore

In my application, I use CallKit and have supportsHolding = true set. During my phone call, another call comes in (e.g., GSM). I accept the incoming call and put the current call on hold. If I end the ...
Alino's user avatar
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AvAudioEngine not restarted after interruption

I am getting audio from mic. with using AvAudioEngine but when coming call and makes interruption, I want to stop and then restart getting audio process but When I try handleInterruption(I shared ...
ridvan's user avatar
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can't sending buffer audio data using GCDAsyncUdpSocket from iOS version 17.2 AvAudioEngine in Swift

When I send data from 17.3 phone and listen receiving socket data I can't see any data but When I send data from 15.3 phone and listen data I can see receiving data, I think problem is ...
ridvan's user avatar
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How to resolve FlushPendingInput error with AVFoundation?

I'm a relatively inexperienced programmer using Swift 5.9 and Xcode. I'm trying to set up an audio recorder using AVFoundation and create tableView cells corresponding to each recording. However, no ...
Definitely-A-Person's user avatar
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avoid background noise and audio echo in AvAudioEngine Swift

I am trying to send audio with using AudioEngine (getting over iPhone microphone) to another listening device via GCDAsyncUdpSocket, and I get audio in another ios device and I can listen auido in ...
ridvan's user avatar
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Detect iOS volume changes from specific audio source

In an iOS app I need to detect the user pressing the volume down button on a certain screen and to do an action when it occurs. To do this I use JPSVolumeButtonHandler which works by detecting system ...
Igor Kulman's user avatar
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Swift iOS 17 Audio Drops Out When Setting AudioSession Category to .playAndRecord

I am creating an app where you can record a video and listen to music in the background. At the top of my viewDidLoad I set the AVAudioSession Category to .playAndRecord let audioSession = ...
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