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If I am CS student in my final years and my specialty is Graphic Designing, then what are possible Final Year project I can do in my field? [closed]

This is the final year of Bachelors in computer science, I am asked to select a project for my final year, but I don't know what to do as the only thing I know very well is Graphic Designing. My ...
shahmir khan's user avatar
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How can we access the index of an elements in numpy array? [duplicate]

import numpy as np np_arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) condition = (np_arr > 2) & (np_arr < 5) print(condition) When we print(condition) - we get a boolean array which tells ...
Mr.Reality_81's user avatar
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What is meant by Static Dispatch Restrictions?

So, I was going through LLVM-MCA and trying to understand the different metrics/views that it provides. As part of the extra statistics that MCA provides, I came across the Dynamic Dispatch Stall ...
Hemant Kumar's user avatar
-3 votes
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Having trouble getting correct answer when finding volume of a pyramid with user inputed data [closed]

i keep getting half of what the volume should be and cant figure out why can anybody help me with this. this is the coding im using: public class PyramidVol { /** * @param args the command line ...
GGandolfo's user avatar
-2 votes
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Confusion with StorageRoot's definition in the Ethereum Yellow Paper [closed]

I am doing my undergrad thesis on Mathematical Modelling of Blockchain systems. For modelling Ethereum, I am required to understand and summarise the Ethereum Yellow Paper, but got stuck in this part ...
Masuda Rahman's user avatar
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Is there only one way to create RBT on a paper with a given sequence of numbers?

Let's say I have sequence of random numbers that vary <1, 30>, e.g. 20, 23, 27, 15, 14, 13, 2. Is there only one way to develop a Red-Black Tree on a paper? (i.e during exam). I mean I choose ...
koba's user avatar
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Genetic Algorithm with constraints on genes

I have a really big (exponential) search space for a problem, and as such i've been attempting to use genetics/evolution to find the approximate best solution, however I'm extremely inexperienced on ...
Fabricio20's user avatar
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Substitution method of integration in python without use of external packages

I am trying to calculate the integral of the attached image integral from 0 to infinite of 1 / ((1 + x) * sqrt(x))dx. I know this value is equal to pi. I must also print out the result to the ...
Fizzluh's user avatar
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Why don't decimal-floating-point numbers have CPU level support like float point numbers in personal computers? [closed]

In languages ​​where Decimal exists (C#, Python), it is slower than float/double because it is not supported at the hardware level. So why don't decimal-floating-point, have hardware implementation ...
Nikolai Vorobiev's user avatar
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Clarification on "each digit represents an increasing power of 10" in number representation

I'm trying to understand a statement I came across: "each digit represents an increasing power of 10." This seems unclear to me because, from my understanding, each digit itself does not ...
Fedor Pasynkov's user avatar
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Poor performance when working with DMatrix in nalgebra

I'm trying to write a basic neural network in Rust using nalgebra, and it is very very slow; even slower than the Python version. Training the network on 60000 28x28 pixel images takes over 10 minutes ...
ethqnol's user avatar
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3 answers

Time complexity analysis of data structures

I got a bit confused about analzsis of data structure basic operation like inserting or deleting. when I am asked about creating an data structure that support deleting operation, or inserting in O(1),...
miiky123's user avatar
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Comparing array sums with recursion

I had the following exam question in an intro to a CS course. I could not think of a proper solution for this. Write a function in C that accepts two arrays, arr1 and arr2, and their common size, ...
Eden Bager's user avatar
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CS50 PSet 7 Movies (9.sql )

Why this code doesn't work? It should output 19.325 rows. I only get 4 rows. Meanwhile, it worked well when I used JOIN SELECT DISTINCT name FROM people WHERE id IN ( SELECT person_id FROM ...
Mina Tadros's user avatar
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File corruption after file copying using python, how to fix it?

The following code is used: Python import os import shutil def backup_files(src_dir, dest_dir): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir): for file in files: src_file = os....
Kreanto Zhou's user avatar

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