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(Cortex M4) Bad section alignment in ELF file

we have a strange issue on a Cortex M4 MCU. The compiled Firmware works if the binary is loaded with ST-LINK in the correct section, but using C-Lion and OpenOcd, The FW load operation, load also the ...
Giuliano Favro's user avatar
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DebugMon_Handler not triggered after configuring DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace) to look for memory writes. (cortex-M33)

I am using the following code to configure the DWT(Data Watchpoint and Trace) and test it in Arm Development Studio. When using a Cortex-M4 or Cortex-M3, it triggers the DebugMon_Handler, but when ...
one sunny's user avatar
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gnu ld linker script LONG() not placing value as expected (ARM Cortex-M3) [duplicate]

gnu .ld linker script -- I have added a MEMORY definition to hold a checksum: _CRC_Value = 0x12345678; MEMORY { RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 80K FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = ...
Hunter Ritchie's user avatar
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How does ld decide the alignment of a section?

I crosscompile for cortex M microcontroller using arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.Rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi The .bss has 2KB alignment objdump: Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off ...
mastupristi's user avatar
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ld merge all `*.str1.4` strings

I crosscompile for cortex M microcontroller using arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.Rel1-x86_64-arm-none-eabi I compile using -fdata-sections and link using -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--sort-section=alignment In map ...
mastupristi's user avatar
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gcc thumb2 inline assembly for fixed point conversion

I would like to write some gcc inline assembly for armv7em on Cortex-M7 to perform conversion between floating point numbers and fixed point numbers. ARM provides the vcvt instruction with #fbits to ...
user27039317's user avatar
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Debug Application via SWD on Cortex-M Starting At FLASH Address Besides 0x00

I have used multiple Cortex M parts in the past, primarily using IAR as my IDE. I am currently developing a project for a Cortex M0+ part using an Eclipse-based IDE (Infineon ModusToolbox). I'd like ...
nobby's user avatar
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cortex-m4 core clocking on st32f4 example using cmsis library

I ask for a review of the code for basic clocking of the stm32f401ccu core, for simple blinking of the LED. void ClockInit(void){ //RCC->CR = 0x0000XX81; RCC->CR |= (1 << ...
KosorukiyShiva's user avatar
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How to make my address add in every interrupt function?

First of all, I use arm cm3 core chips and the function of my codes is Shift operation. For example, UART receive "f0", save "0f" to the corresponding address. Codes are below. ...
ADemonevil's user avatar
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Ensure Access to Vector Table for Both Bootloader and Application

I have a custom board that I am implementing a bootloader and application for based on an Infineon PSoC4 MAX device (Cortex M0 core). The bootloader is located in FLASH starting at address 0x00, while ...
nobby's user avatar
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No output for CAN protocol configuration on the Tiva TM4C1294ncpdt board using direct register manipulation

#include \<stdint.h\> #include "tm4c1294ncpdt.h" // Functions void Config_msg_Obj(void); void delay(unsigned int i); void CAN_Init(void) { SYSCTL_RCGCCAN_R = 0x02; // ...
Athish Ramesh's user avatar
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Does the Cortex-M55 Processor Support Shareable and Cacheable Attributes Simultaneously?

I was looking at the Cortex-M55 TRM document and came across the following statement: 'Normal shareable cacheable attributes are converted to Normal Shareable Noncacheable by the processor' (...
강호성's user avatar
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Why stepping debug failed with cc2538dk on Contiki-NG, but success on RIOT?

I have a question about debugging with cc2538 on Contiki-NG. I'm testing the 6LoWPAN function on both RIOT and Contiki-NG. While stepping through the code during debugging, RIOT works fine, but ...
Dingisoul's user avatar
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Local variable allocation crashes the stack in embedded C on cortexm4 and operating system

Details: embedded C, cortex M4 with operating system (RTX Kernel), compiled with ARM Compiler V5.06 update6 and Microlib. Inside a periodic task there are some functons call, one is a debug function: /...
Catosh's user avatar
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ARM Cortex M4 context switching: How does the hardware know where xPSR, PC, LR, R12, R3-R0 are on the stack?

I'm working on a context switching mechanism for my RTOS which runs on Cortex-Ms. When I initialize a task's stack, I have it like this Then, I decrement the stack pointer 8 times to fit R11-R4. I ...
Tsz Kit Koon's user avatar

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