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How to prevent CSS transition from playing on-load in Safari?

I'm trying to implement a simple CSS translate transition that slides the content in and out. It works perfectly in Chromium-based browsers, but the transition plays on-load in newer versions of ...
dodov's user avatar
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Failing filter Drop Shadow on transition using Safari

I toppled over an issue of the Safari browser (~ v16.4) when using a drop-shadow filter with includes a transition. It supposed to be supported since a few years now:
wittich's user avatar
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CSS transition not working on Safari even with prefixes [duplicate]

I'm having an issue where circular pictures are changing to squares on hover. I'm using Bootstrap 5. This is only happening in Safari. I've narrowed down the issue to the CSS transition. I've added ...
DiamondJoe12's user avatar
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CSS toggle-class transitions don't work in Safari

I'm trying to flip multiple div elements at different times in Reactjs by toggling the classes assigned to them. It works as expected in Opera, Firefox, and Chrome, but not Safari. In Safari, when a ...
Irvilu's user avatar
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Flex transition in Safari

The following is part of my small contribution to a post on auto height transitions: html { display: grid; } body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .content { background: aqua; ...
Mori's user avatar
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CSS flip animation flickering in Safari

I have created a flip board animation with CSS transitions, and it works fine in Chrome/Firefox/Edge, but in Safari it flickers a lot during the transition, but the final state is correct. I thought ...
Joel Udd's user avatar
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Safari only, div background-image hover effect losing border-radius

In Safari only, when I hover over .panel-bg, .panel loses its border-radius for a fraction of a second. If I disable the rule -webkit-transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; for .panel-bg this effect goes ...
SRDMH's user avatar
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CSS Transition Funkiness in Safari 14

I'm trying to debug an apparent problem with CSS transitions in the new Safari 14. For some reason, the transition works when closing the modal, but not when opening the modal (I'm having the same ...
Benjamin Padula's user avatar
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Safari animation background-position have braking animate

I makes css keyframes for parallax animate. In Chrome, Opera I have smooth transition. In Safari I have very braking animate. @keyframes animatedParallelogram { 0 { background-position: ...
Itsukerka's user avatar
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CSS transform: scale very shaky/choppy/jerky in Safari

I'm trying to implement a scroll based shrinking effect on on a div element. As the user scrolls, the div shrinks in height (using scale) until it finally disappears. I'm using React to render the ...
JavascriptLoser's user avatar
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Safari CSS issue (Z-index? transform?)

I've been struggling with this for a week or so, but don't feel close to fixing it. So I'm coming to Stack Overflow for the first time, hello! I built a nifty little card amount selector that allows ...
Zach Milan's user avatar
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Border-radius transition not working in Safari

I'm working on a small page, and one of the sections will contain an image gallery. The original pictures are squares, but on the page I set the border-radius to 50% and then when you hover above an ...
EN12345's user avatar
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Why wont css transition for border radius work in safari?

Im trying to make a simple transition for some pictures on my site. The idea is that the pictures are circles and when you hover over them they transition into squares. This works perfect on chrome ...
EN12345's user avatar
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CSS3: flex transition doesn't work anymore since Safari 13.1 (Mac)

Here is the simplest code that works on every modern browser (and also on very recent safari browsers) but not on the v.13.1 that I just updated on my Mac. The point is to get a section to expand ...
Bachir Messaouri's user avatar
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Transitioning div is shown above another div when it should always be below (on Safari)

I have a flip card with a transition transform: rotateY( 180deg );, in the lower right of this card there's a div with an icon inside. This icon should always be above the card but on Safari, during ...
Artemis's user avatar
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