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CSS Grid Gap - last item goes beyond gap [closed]

I'm am new to css and currently I'm sruggling with grid gaps. I have a grid container of two columns. The left column contain grid of two rows and the right column contains grid of three rows and 3 ...
user27383675's user avatar
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Get Angular Component height from Grid Layout

I'm trying to retrieve a component's height within itself (using ElementRef), which is located within a css grid layout. Background is the component renders images via picture-tag and depending on the ...
Sergej Bjakow's user avatar
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Position sticky in grid container works not as expected

When scrolling the page I need the imageContainer to be sticky untill the end of itemFeatures box scroll down to the end of this box. Both of these containers are in thumb. Thumb is display: grid. ...
Volodymyr Tabashnyuk's user avatar
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How can I fix nested gird layout?

In the example below you can see the issue. I have tried changing the grid-tample-colums property of the grid-container (ol) to grid-template-columns: min-content 1fr 0; . But I am stuck. ol { ...
Adler's user avatar
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How to add overflow:auto to a grid item using CSS

I have created an interface as shown above. The blue part is my sidenav, and the red part is my page title. The orange part is my body, and in case it is longer than the container, I want to add ...
true_north_404's user avatar
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Why does setting `min-width: fit-content` on grid item influences the width of the sibling?

In this pen, there is a title, description and horizontal images. If you view it in a screen that's between 1024 and 1660 pixels wide, you should observe that the horizontal images (ID "social-...
Utku's user avatar
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Why does CSS Grid allow text to overflow their containers?

I have some text at a narrow width, with word-break: break-word and hyphens: auto. With normal flow display, the text wraps and stays within the boundaries of the container as I would expect. However, ...
bronzehedwick's user avatar
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Flexible elements between min and max width with CSS grid?

I'm trying to achieve some particular behaviour with grid but I have a problem. I'm using grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(260px, 400px)); To my understanding it should flex between ...
Daniel's user avatar
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CSS Grid + Flex: info-container won't overflow on img

with grid and flex properties i'm trying to let my info-box overflow a bit over my image instead of having it right below. Is there any suggestions to make it possible? So far I tried the simple ...
user24633407's user avatar
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Can CSS grid Lines be hidden when debugging using chrome dev tools?

Hello I am trying to fix spacing on a modal I am working on and the background is a grid of images. I don't want to disable css grid because that will make me feel more crazy when I am trying to debug ...
Josh Martin's user avatar
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CSS Grid Breakout Layout: How to Ensure Menu Items Align with Content?

I built a simple breakout layout using Rachel Andrew's documentation I would like to adjust the layout so that the ...
Zoltan King's user avatar
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Dynamic grid row structure

I'm trying to implement a css-grid with a dynamic structure. When an element in any row is clicked a dynamic full width row should be displayed. See the image below. Is this kind of behaviour even ...
alp123's user avatar
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How can I make a responsive CSS layout with cards, keeping the top and bottom sections of the cards the same height as the tallest in the row

I have a layout where I want to display multiple "cards." Each card will consist of 3 sections laid out vertically. The top section will contain text that will be different lengths for ...
Elezar's user avatar
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aspect-ratio in grid container is ignored by other columns

I'm encountering an issue with a CSS Grid layout that works as expected in Chrome but exhibits a problem in Firefox. Specifically, the second column of the grid seems to ignore the first column in ...
Yura Beseda's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a table which has different rows for each column via gird box?

Can I use grid-box to achieve the layout of this table? I know that if the rows for each column is a times to each other, it will be possible. I am not sure if I can use grid-box to make a table which ...
zzzgoo's user avatar
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