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Does Bootstrap support building into a version with all properties defined by variables?

I want a version of Bootstrap, where all property values have corresponding variables. For instance, the text-white utility should have --bs-text-color variable, equal to rgba(var(--bs-white-rgb), var(...
Shtole's user avatar
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Override root CSS variable without repeating al properties declarations that consume them [duplicate]

Given the following code, the text color is correctly changed in the nested element after updating the root css variable. Is there a way to avoid repeating the color prop twice and get it ...
Marco Gagliardi's user avatar
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Firefox fails to apply transition when element locations are set using custom CSS properties

As a proof of concept, I have created a CSS-only CodePen page with a pseudo-random number generator. This moves coloured circles to random positions on the page. The positions are stored in custom CSS ...
James Newton's user avatar
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CSS Variables Not Respecting Selector Precedence? [duplicate]

I've got some code I'm writing for a website builder that's causing me issues. We're using CSS variables to define global styles, with both desktop and mobile layout options, e.g.: :root { --section-...
Steven Moseley's user avatar
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is there a way to assign a different cssVariable to a cssVariable based on the class it is nested in? [duplicate]

we are using a design system that has 'tokens' and 'primitives'. the idea is that we can connect different baseColors to a different UI-elements depending on the brand. <h1>Hi this is header&...
Jason Teunissen's user avatar
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how to use css variables to contain color-mix used with another variable

I have in css (generated by sass) variable called --secondary and it's value is red(#f00) I want to create more variables for opacity like --secondary-100, --secondary-90, ... I used color-mix in ...
Fire Gamer's user avatar
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What's the syntax for passing a CSS custom property in reagent?

How do I create this HTML in Reagent/hiccup? <span style="--custom-property: value"></span> Both Hiccup and Reagent fail to document how to pass CSS custom properties.
Nick Ribal's user avatar
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Make a given oklch color 50% lighter via CSS oklch(from ...) and calc() function

We have a design system that comes with a number of CSS custom properties for colors, e.g.: :root { --color--blue-1: oklch(88.6% 0.023 238); } We're using the relatively new color format oklch. Now ...
connexo's user avatar
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Use SCSS to convert a CSS variable from HSL to Hex

I have a number of CSS variables containing color values. I'd like to define these in HSL format, but can I let Sass convert these to hex values? Input: :root { --dark: hsl(210, 50%, 13%); } Output:...
Peter's user avatar
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Bootstrap CSS variables not overriding for pagination

Using Bootstrap (currently v5.3.3) I am using a custom-built WordPress theme and setting a whole group of overrides for the colours used. The custom-built WordPress theme stylesheet is loaded last, ...
Lee's user avatar
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CSS Multiple Identical Calc Use vs Single Calc in Custom Property on Performance

I am trying to ascertain the difference between the performance impact of storing a css calc function in a css custom variable and using that variable multiple times vs simply using the css calc ...
Walrus's user avatar
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how to use css variables inside javascript in rollup

I have a UI components repo setup with rollup where I want to use my css variables inside my javascript files. I have done this in another repo which was using webpack and it was quite easy: import ...
Shubham Chitransh's user avatar
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CSS Custom Properties with fallback for unrecognised css value (eg. clamp())

As it stands, CSS Custom Properties enjoys a global tracked base of 99.05% support according to CanIUse. Most of this is due to IE support that has one of a number off poly fills particularly when ...
Walrus's user avatar
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Can you nest CSS Variables in CSS Variable names

I was wondering if it's possible to nest a CSS Variable within a CSS variable's name or possibly do something similar: :root { --color-1: red; --index: 1; } span { color: var(--color-var(--...
Hazrd's user avatar
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How to add the more than 2 color schemes in theme palette like light, dark, abc ,def? Not accepting anything other than light and dark

I am using mui version 5.11.13. I have configured my theme.tsx as below. Also tried by augmenting module. import { experimental_extendTheme as extendTheme } from "@mui/material/styles"; ...
Shrinivas Bodke's user avatar

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