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QueryselectorAll invalid CSS Selector in Electron, but working in Browser

I have a form with several columns with inputs. There are also empty columns and columns with only disabled inputs. So i want to get all columns with enabled inputs and ignore the rest. I use ...
neukoellnjenny's user avatar
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Electron renders CSS differently than Chrome

I want to apply an outline to elements, when focused by pressing tab. I am facing the issue, that when i run my app with electron, that the outline is not circular shape as expected, but it is a box. ...
neukoellnjenny's user avatar
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How to get footer always at bottom of the page for different screen resolution

I am building an Angular app in electron. The app opens in full screen. And I have a requirement that footer always remain at bottom of the page. In spite user opening this app in different resolution....
karansys's user avatar
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Image assets is renamed by Electron-Builder

I have an angular application built with electron-builder on mac. Inside there are two ways in which I use images, for different purposes. HTML: <img src="./cat_logo.png"/> CSS: #logo{ ...
asyarif's user avatar
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Electron + Ionic - ion-row height does not adjust to its content

I have an Electron application built using Angular + Ionic 4. There is a simple screen which contains three ion-row elements within ion-grid. <ion-grid> <ion-row class="top-part"> &...
mat.hudak's user avatar
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IONIC 4 ion-content inner-scroll scrollbar color/theme w/ Electron app

The following is my attempt to theme the scrollbars: /* width */ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px !important; } /* Track */ ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #333 !important; } /* Handle ...
Zander17's user avatar
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angular-cli.json create error while adding style.css

I am creating my first angular electron project and here is my error log I am trying to add new fonts and styles in my angular 4 project I have removed bootstrap from my project because style.css ...
bhaumik shah's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError with Bootstrap and Angular

I've been trying to add Bootstrap <link> and <script> tags to my HTML in an Angular project. I get all the CDN from here but I get the following error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read ...
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