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Update Firebase realtime database stats before electron app quit

I have the following code: app.on('before-quit', (event) => { console.log("IT IS BEFORE QUIT") event.preventDefault() console.log("default prevented") ...
racinjasin's user avatar
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How to use electron to package vue3+vite project [closed]

I currently have a front-end project implemented with vue3+vite, but I plan to use electron to package this front-end project into software compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux. How to achieve this?...
beixu's user avatar
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How to resolve user-specific installation path issues with Electron auto-updates?

I am developing an Electron application with the following setup: Electron Version: 29.3.0 Electron-Builder Version: 24.13.3 Electron-Updater Version: 6.2.1 The application is working as expected, ...
Frankenstein's user avatar
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High Contrast settings with Electron and Linux Ubuntu

I'm running a Electron app with React on Linux Ubuntu and using the Ubuntu System Accessibility settings. The High and Inverted contrast settings have no effect on the app but they work on other apps ...
Rifki's user avatar
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Detect when tab is closed with Electron's shell.openExternal

I am using Electron's shell.openExternal(url) to open a new tab in the OS's default browser from an Electron app. I would like to know if there is a way to detect events on that tab from the Electron ...
oscarale's user avatar
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Electron/Electron Builder get info about binary

We are distributing our Electron app for Macs using Intel and also Apple Silicon. We are using electron-builder. I need a way to know if a user on Apple Silicon has accidentally installed the Intel ...
Jeandré's user avatar
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Issue with GitHub Actions and Docker: 'GitHub Personal Access Token is not set' during Electron/Firebase build

I've been trying to set up CI/CD for my project that uses Electron and Firebase, but I'm facing issues with GitHub secrets. I placed my PAT (Personal Access Token) inside a secret, but when GitHub ...
Rodrigo Galvão's user avatar
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Use Isolate Origins in conjunction with process-per-site

Electron 23.1.1 Chrome: 110.0.5481.104 I have an Electron Desktop app which reacts to certain events and opens up new Browser windows for each new event. For performance reasons, we have added ...
Ashish Ranjan's user avatar
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setting currentTime for the video in electron not work [closed]

When I set currentTime for the video tag in electron for the first time, currentTime will become 0. I need to delete the video tag and create it again to set it correctly. Also, I cannot change the ...
www's user avatar
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chrome_crashpad_handler crashing constantly while VS Code is open with Python project (macOS)

I'm working on a plug-in for Autodesk Fusion, which can be written in Python or C++. Fusion integrates with VS Code for this development, and you can debug the plug-in as it runs in Fusion. I just ...
Rick's user avatar
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How to access some electron modules from renderer process with nodeIntegration enabled?

I am developing an app using Electron. In the main process, in my main.js file, I have the following code: const win = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, ...
Pedro Henrique's user avatar
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Can we obfuscate the native node modules code or queries in electron build app .exe file?

when i create the .exe of my electron project using electron-forage or electron-packager. I get readable content of native node modules embedded in it. I want to obfuscate this code. I know the codes ...
Pranay Prajapati's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a Nestjs standalone app in an Electron app using yarn workspaces?

I have a yarn monorepo consist of Nestjs and Electron projects. I needed to use Nestjs app as a dependecy in electron project. Is it possible? If it is how to configure both projects to achive it? I ...
Azqaf's user avatar
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Issue obtaining file path in Electron + React

I've been trying to get the path of a dragged file from a React component in Electron for a few days now, but without success. I've looked at other forum topics, and everyone is able to obtain it ...
AdriByMe's user avatar
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Electron preload functions not recognized after browser refresh

In my electron app I expose several preload methods via a preload script. When I first load the application, these methods work fine. However, when I reload the page (via the browser tools, refresh, ...
CleverPatrick's user avatar

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