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Electron-forge with Angular

When I run npm run package, the process stops at "copying files" as shown in the screenshot below. Angular & Node Version Details: Angular CLI: 14.2.13 Node: 20.12.2 (Unsupported) ...
Saad Bashir's user avatar
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Angular electron white screen but loads after reloading

I am trying to build my angular app with electron. I am using electron-forge package to create the build. When I execute the .exe file I can only see a white screen but after reloading the app loads ...
huco's user avatar
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electron forge 'make' failing due to too many characters

I added electron to my angular app to be able to run it as a desktop application but I'm having trouble with the 'make' step from electron forge because I keep getting the following error message here ...
skdondle's user avatar
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Namespace 'Electron.CrossProcessExports' has no exported member 'Remote

I'm new to Electronjs. Error: node_modules/ngx-electron/lib/electron.service.d.ts:17:31 - error TS2694: Namespace 'Electron.CrossProcessExports' has no exported member 'Remote'. 17 readonly ...
Vijay Keshri's user avatar
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Switch language from Angular12 menu in Electron

I have an Angular 12 app with two languages (spanish and english). In index page I have a login screen with Toolbar-menu with language selecction. I have used i18n as way to internazionalice the app. ...
DavidB's user avatar
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electron-forge wont compile component templates from separate HTML files

I set up a new project with electron-forge using the angular2 template. It all worked fine but then I tried to move a component template into a separate HTML file. I simply took the example HTML from ...
popClingwrap's user avatar
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electron-forge package unable to package file typings.d.ts

electron-forge package Fail with angular project Looks that it is unable to package file typings.d.ts here is the error PS electron-forge package √ Checking your system √ Preparing to ...
Pascal's user avatar
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Electron Forge + Angular 4 breaks with `'anonymous' is not a known element`

I've got a fresh install of Electron Forge with the angular2 template. I bumped the Angular dependencies to ^4.3.1, zone.js to ^0.8.14 and added hammerjs to package.json (to use Angular 4 material ...
Quentin's user avatar
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Is AOT compilation helpful for Electron applications

I am currently building an Electron application with Angular using electron-forge tool and I am in the process of compiling the Angular code in order to bundle it. I started to implement AOT ...
bampakoa's user avatar
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Two Way Data Binding Angular 2 in Electron not working

I used electron-forge to create a new electron project that uses angular 2 npm install -g electron-forge electron-forge init -t angular2 Then I added @angular/forms yarn add @angular/forms Then I ...
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