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Angular app using electron and rxjs doesn't emits as it should

I am using Angular app with Rxjs and electron. I am creating subscription using merge merge(entityUpdated$, timer(1 * 1000, 10)), where I am downloading updates from BE every 10seconds or when any of ...
Loop1 Test1's user avatar
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Why Shared service is not working with the components that do not have child parent relationship

I have elctron app with Angular frontend. You can think Electron as Chromium web browser, basically we are running our Angular app on Chromium web browser but in desktop window. In my app-component I'...
Parth Patel's user avatar
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Is there a way to wait for the result of an Observable called within another Observable?

I am currently experimenting with building a little app for helping my local roleplay group. Amongst the tools they wanted was a scriptable randomizer so that they could build dice roll tables. ...
Acaeris's user avatar
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Component DOM not updating if data changes while viewing another component

I have an app with a few components that are each displaying different data asynchronously. I am using routerLink to navigate between the different components. The issue is that if I am currently ...
Kezz's user avatar
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354 views on Observable.bindCallback()

I am using Electron, and as you may know, all of Electron's calls run outside of Angular's zone. So you need to call at some point when using Electron methods. A typical Electron call ...
Dolan's user avatar
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Angular animate query incorrectly returning zero elements

I'm working on an Electron app using Angular, and the main page is supposed to display a list of items which are loaded asynchronously from a JSON file. They load and animate fine, but in order to ...
Matthew Oldham's user avatar
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The raw headers observer url request count has grown larger than expected, Angular2, Electron

After a certain number of HTTP request with RXJS (around 495 or so), in Angular 2, inside Electron, I get this error on the console. It doesn't matter if I space them by 500ms or 1000ms, once 495 http ...
Martin's user avatar
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How to create an Observable from query?

How can I get an rxjs-observable in angular 2 from an async LinvoDB database query in electron? in the main process: exports.load = function(parameters){ var l = parseInt(parameters.l); var ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Issue with Rxjs Observable in Angular 2 Latest

Hello i am trying update signinText var through the Observable call back. Iam receiving data in console.log but data is not changing in HTML. this.fadeInputs() callback is successful but data is not ...
Raj's user avatar
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