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Installing electron package as dev dependency with timeout error

I've been trying to start with electron and am trying to follow through with their tutorial. However, I'm getting stuck on trying to install electron in my devdependecies for my package. I'm running ...
jiiometrii's user avatar
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Electron package app opens on white screen, no errors

I recently just packaged my electron app but when I try to run it, I just see a blank white screen with no errors or anything. Something I noticed is that when I toggle developer tools and go into ...
vel's user avatar
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GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY not letting me build Electron Pacakge

the problem npm init -y npm i path electron request http npx electron-packager . --arch=ia32 --platform=win32 --out=release --electron-version=13.1.9 to build an electron project found in the current ...
ElectronNeutron49's user avatar
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electron-packager and sqlite3 - Cannot find module when .exe is launched if packed in 32bit mode

I am trying to build a simple electron app that uses sqlite3. I want to create an .exe with the help of electron-packager. But if I then run the .exe I get an error saying that the sqlite3 module ...
Kloud's user avatar
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The command electron-installer-windows --src dist/app-win32-x64/ --dest dist/installers/ does not finish execution

#Angular + Electron + electron-installer-windows + electron-packager I have angular project from which I want to generate a windows package that can be installed by users. After having followed all ...
7guyo's user avatar
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What's the proper way to publish an electron app into Nexus

I have an electron app that needs to run on multiple architectures. I use electron-packager to make a distribution folder. I originally tried to npm publish this folder to a nexus repo. npm publish ...
Casey O'Meilia's user avatar
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Why IpcRender in electron didnt get any value from BrowserWindow.send() after build into .exe file

i have problem that i dont know what exactly is the cause the problem is, i have simple code in index.js as main and index.html, in main.js the script will send the version of electron to renderer ...
Rio Arnero's user avatar
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The edge module has not been pre compiled for node js version V12.13.0

I have try to packaging the electron app in local. I have tried the following steps: npm install electron-packager npm install -g electron-packager npm install -g electron npm start I have got ...
Gokul Kumar's user avatar
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"Windows cannot access the specified..." .Exe's made by electron-packager nor electron-forge

I'm on a Win 8.1 x64 machine. When I try to run the generated Windows binaries, I get a Windows error message. Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the ...
Nathan Hawks's user avatar
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electron-winstaller throws The system cannot find the path specified. at Squirrel.Utility.<CreateZipFromDirectory>d__23.MoveNext()<---

I am trying to build a electron installer for windows platform in Azure DevOps. I have successfully ran the electron-package command with npm run build (look at my package.json). After that when I try ...
Kasbah's user avatar
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Node - Electron Packager

i am currently trying to package my app using electron-packager, first of all, when i test my app using: node index.js <command> everything works as expected! What is so special about my ...
Creative crypter's user avatar
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Error: Electron packaging with electron-packager

I'm trying to package my ember-electron app using electron-packager. This is for windows electron app running Ember-electron, ember-cli: 3.11.0, node: 10.16.0. In the past, it was running fine, but ...
Bilguun's user avatar
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PowerShell is not recognizing while packaging the Application

I almost finished the coding for a beginner Desktop Application in electron. The problem arises when I want to package them into an executable .exe file. It shows Command failed: powershell.exe -...
Bokamanushta form BokarDOl's user avatar
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npm ERR! install electron-packager

I am creating a new electron app and now I need to install electron-packager in it. node -v v10.16.0 & npm -v v6.9.0 (I updated both) I have tried to run this: npm install electron-packager ...
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npm: command not found when executing commands in Electron app

I'm working on an electron app and within the app, I execute shell commands using child_process.exec. One of the commands I run is npm run start; this works perfectly in a dev environment but when I ...
HackAfro's user avatar
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