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StandardError and StandardOutput are empty when executing an exe

I am trying to make a simple winform gui just for myself When running bbmod.exe in cmd manually it will write an error and some text, or if you provide the right arguments some success text. But when ...
Jack Conradsen's user avatar
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How to keep an Object after a Script has been closed?

I have a program in LabView, which calls some Python Scripts over the cmd line. Those Scripts are for controlling a Electronic Board. After a script is completed, it is closed automatically. The ...
Dominik's user avatar
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Prevent new cmd window from closing

My questions are: How can I prevent a program that I execute in the cmd from opening and closing a second cmd window without changing the original source code? (I only have the .exe file) And: Is ...
Hikikomori's user avatar
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Open command prompt using an exe file and print the contents in it

I'm trying to create an exe file and I have a set of print statements in my code. This is the exe file that I have created When I run that file, nothing pops-up (like cmd) and just the code runs in ...
Devi Pavan Kumar Saladhi's user avatar
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Converting an exe recipe file to a regular exe file to run on desktop

I want to create just a simple exe file from some code i am trying in c++ when i try to create exe file it creates a exe recipe and it does not work. how do i fix that problem i tried looking it up ...
artur anikin's user avatar
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How to pass relative path to strings in Self-Extraction Directive file?

I’m using IExpress to create a self-extracting / self-installing package (.EXE) and a Self-Extraction Directive file (.SED). When moving the files from a test environment to a production one, I’ve ...
Kanuc's user avatar
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I have a problem when I convert python file to exe

when I click on the program to run it I see the message say : Traceback (most recent call last): File "employee", line 388, in <module> File "tkcalendar\dateentry....
Abdullah Al-Nagar's user avatar
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Can we change "Windows native commands" default system directory location [closed]

I want to get the windows system directory(i,e C:\Windows\System32) where windows native files(like cmd.exe, xcopy.exe, reg.exe, etc..) are available to prevent Process Hijacking in the batch file by ...
Sakthis's user avatar
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How to add a help command to a .exe program?

I just finished writing a code in Python and converted it into a .exe file, and as a add-on I want to add a help command to show on a command prompt a quick explanation of what my program does. Do I ...
chronowix's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I bypass this message when starting the .exe with cmd?

i got following cmd command, i want to start an .exe installer with this, but when i execute it the message after it pops up. START "DSM-Agent setup..." /WAIT /D %PATH% InstallClient.exe ...
Vortox's user avatar
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The specified file could not be found when i run a file.exe

When I use this comparer.exe <test_comparer24_1>.bmp <test_comparer24_2>.bmp in cmd, this error show up The specified file could not be found even thought I have the bmp files in the ...
Ала Эддин Бен Саид's user avatar
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DLL load failed while importing _imaging

it's a newbie question here because this is the first time I want to create an .exe from a python script. I get the error message in the title and can't fix it... work with Anaconda cmd, but not the ...
Clément Maujean's user avatar
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3 answers

Routing a exe File to have a backup target when servers fail

I was wondering what solution is there to give a shortcut to a server, basically an exe, More that 1 target path to basically have the same application on 2 servers so that when one server fails, that ...
Johanc's user avatar
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C# Unable to read output from .exe when executing

My issue is that i get no output when i execute the given command. The exe takes quite a while to finish and while it's executing im expecting a continuous flow of data being outputed. But for some ...
Chris's user avatar
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The term 'auto-py-to-exe' is not recognized error while converting the .py file to .exe

After I finish my python project, I tried to convert it to .exe file, so I use python version 3.10. I already installed the auto-py-to-exe app from the cmd but when I want to open it I get this error: ...
Moamen's user avatar
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