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Can we obfuscate the native node modules code or queries in electron build app .exe file?

when i create the .exe of my electron project using electron-forage or electron-packager. I get readable content of native node modules embedded in it. I want to obfuscate this code. I know the codes ...
Pranay Prajapati's user avatar
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Exe file not running when launched from an exe file [closed]

I have a program that works very well, when I run it from a jar file. Here is the code: try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(Paths.get("MyProgram.exe").toAbsolutePath()....
Chris's user avatar
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Subprocess in PyInstaller-built exe can't find or run Python script

I am building a Python project into a standalone executable using PyInstaller, and I'm encountering an issue when trying to run a Python script ( as a subprocess from the main script ( ...
Hamza Alomari's user avatar
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Creation of Tkinter exe using nuitka opens and closes without feedback. App works perfectly when running in python environment

When I apply the main loop solution, I still have the same problem. The script works perfectly when running the .py script. So the exe is created with the nuitka, and when I run the exe the console ...
Hitokiri's user avatar
-2 votes
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C++ executable file showing virus [duplicate]

I have written a C++ code to create an Integer class and have it do some basic integer operations. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Integer { private: int data; public: ...
rijulsharma2357's user avatar
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Pyinstaller creating faulty .exe files with an anaconda environment

I am using anaconda for my environments and when I try to export my program to a .exe it works but the exe fails and outputs the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "...
SmoothTurtle872's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I enable breakpoints in both .exe and .dll C++ projects in a single solution?

I have a solution in visual studio with one .exe(exe1) project and 2 dlls (dll1,dll2). .exe depending on these 2 dlls. when I build dll2 and immediately build exe1, it says dll2.lib is not found. But ...
Soumya's user avatar
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How to suppress the .exe file for ASP.NET Core project? [duplicate]

I have a Razor ASP.NET Core 8 project, and when I build for debugging, it creates a .exe file (alongside the .dll). Back in .NET Core 2.1, we only had the .dll file for ASP.NET Core projects, even on ...
herme 0's user avatar
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Who can provide a C# version - Exe Lock and Boxed Tool

Who can provide a C # version Exe Lock and Boxed Tool v2.6 Download Link Squeeze Any Application into a Single Binary, This is a utility that &...
jamscooker's user avatar
-2 votes
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Python """ terminated string is detected as unterminated

I'm working on a project that needs encryption for packaging, and following the advice on this question I went for @Pro Chess 's method but when trying to run the code it reports this error: Exception ...
Vicenç palmero arans's user avatar
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NSIS Progress Bar Appearing Behind Status Bar in Korean,Japanese and Chinese OS Languages

I'm working on an NSIS installer and encountered an issue where the progress bar appears behind the bottom bar (status bar) when the installer is running in Korean,Japanese and Chinese OS Languages. ...
Abhiroop Saha's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

chromadb 'ONNXMiniLM_L6_V2' embedding not defined with pyinstaller

I am working with the provided method to create the executable for my Python FastAPI project. Since it is an AI-based project, It contains the vector database to handle the embeddings. I am using ...
Muhammad Hassan's user avatar
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"Failed to execute skript 'pyiboot01_bootstrap' due to unhandled exception: Bootloader did not set sys._pyinstaller_pyz!"

I have a Python skript (but what is inside is not important in the case), which I pack into an executable file. I used to have no problems with it before, but yesterday I faced some. This is how I ...
Doroteya Nikolova's user avatar
-1 votes
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how can i convert a GUI app to an exe desktop app? [duplicate]

Please I need help on my application. I am a new developer of desktop applications. I wish to know if converting a Java application developed with Netbean to an exe file is possible. please can ...
idrice24's user avatar
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The executable only works when the DLLs are in the same folder [duplicate]

I have noticed that my executable only works when it's in the same folder as the DLL files it's dependent on. I know if I put the DLL file in system32 folder my executable will work without having the ...
MeMeo LoGisT's user avatar

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