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How can I enable breakpoints in both .exe and .dll C++ projects in a single solution?

I have a solution in visual studio with one .exe(exe1) project and 2 dlls (dll1,dll2). .exe depending on these 2 dlls. when I build dll2 and immediately build exe1, it says dll2.lib is not found. But ...
Soumya's user avatar
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How can I set the application file description in C# (.NET 8)?

I'm building an application in .NET 8 and I can't find the option to set the exe file description, the one displayed in Task Manager as the application name. I was able to do it in .NET Framework, but ...
AleG's user avatar
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Visual Studio creates an exe file that gets access denied, is this a file structure problem?

I have created lots of C# apps with Visual Studio before, but this week I ran into the strange situation that the created .EXE cannot be run, with error message: Access is Denied, actually because the ...
Roland's user avatar
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Error trying to run project. Access is denied (But user has access to the project folder)

I can't seem to run a simple console application that just prints out "Hello World" and then a Readline() to end the program. NB, this happens only on my work PC. I don't have this problem ...
disasterkid's user avatar
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Is it possible to add Product Version to an existing exe file using Visual Studio?

I have generated .res file from .rc file using windows rc generator. But I don't see any Microsoft or Visual Studio Commands to add Product Version Details to an available .exe file. Is there any way ...
Anjan's user avatar
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How to digitally sign the Application.exe during publish in MAUI?

We want to publish the MAUI application after digitally signing the Application main .DLL and .EXE Files using DigiCert Hardware token certificate. Steps we followed is: Re-Build the Project in ...
Sanket's user avatar
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Update Visual Studio 2008 C# Project to Visual Studio 2022

I'm trying to update an custom software used at a friend's business that was built in 2008. I have a copy of the source code, but I'm not able to compile it. I've dual booted my macbook so that I can ...
RJ Carrier's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022: Failed to sign No certificates were found that met all given criteria

I have a legacy program that I'm making simple updates to. I'm running a build from Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 10 by pressing the Start button and I'm getting the error An error occurred while ...
zynovij's user avatar
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What will happen if build exe launch from Visual Studio without guna ui activation?

I'm using Guna UI2 to design my application on Visual Studio 2022. On every time that I open Visual Studio, Guna UI2's activation required window is pop out, but if I turn it off I can still use Guna ...
Duong Sansen's user avatar
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Converting A Project To An EXE File - VISUAL BASIC - Microsoft Visual Studio

So I've made a visual basic project in Microsoft Visual Studio and want to know how to convert it to an EXE (executable) file. Can anyone please help? I've tried to use the procedure that other people ...
AngusAU293's user avatar
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My C Code exe only runs on my PC. How do I Include VCRuntime140.dll in my C code exe

I have recently been getting in C code. I would like to create a stand alone .exe that can run on a windows PC. The exe runs on my pc, of course because of the installation. However, on another PC I ...
Gareth Swemmer's user avatar
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Setup File doesnt install the Exe-File

i recently startet programming my first software, in C# with Microsoft Visual Studios, which is a Note Taking App. When i debug it, everything is fine. The Problem: I added another Project to the ...
Nevar Mahmoud's user avatar
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Visual Studio - WinForm | Open external .exe, dock to Panel inside WinForm C#

So I've started fiddling around with VSB to, generally be better. I really want to learn, but I feel either the information I can find is outdated, or the code just doesn't work for me, for whatever ...
Naeksu's user avatar
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What's the best way to develop exe apps? [closed]

I want to start making professional exe apps, but how can i do it? I started with Windows Forms but heard that it's not good for aestic applications. Then i started with UWP, but it can't be extracted ...
epekFloyd's user avatar
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Building C++ Executable Visual Studio "The code execution cannot proceed.." SFML

When I build my project it works on my computer but once I try to give it to a friend to test my project I get these errors: "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140D.dll was not ...
Justin D.'s user avatar

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