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Name-dependent program behavior

I recently tried to write a C program with SDL2 for Windows 10. I use only one source file and SDL2 dll. The problem arises from the fact that if I change the name of the source file before compiling (...
Jmdp10's user avatar
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Can't open CodeBlock exe file in my File Explorer

i can't open the EXE file generated by Code::Block in my File Explorer. When I open the .exe file of my Code::Block program a screen pops up and shutdown 0.25 seconds later... Same when i try to start ...
Siiyu's user avatar
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How to edit specific words on exe program [closed]

Is it possible to change some words on interface of .exe program? i've tried to change some words with notepad++ but the icon of the .exe changes and i was not able to run the program unless i undo ...
Keith Zetterstrom's user avatar
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PE: Adding code at the end of .txt section

As I understand in PE file Virtual Size shows how much space it allocates for section during loading and Raw Size shows how big the section is on disk. I came across to this executable which did the ...
Ojs's user avatar
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How do I locate the position in an executable file, where a function resides?

Suppose I compile a C/C++ file to binary. Say, the file defines a function foo(). How would I locate this function in the binary? By locating, I mean find the exact position. I assume the question ...
Shuzheng's user avatar
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Running C Program in Cygwin doesn't generate any outcome

While writing a simple C Program i encountered the problem that "printf" doesn't generate any outcome. Code: #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); } Cygwin log after ...
Maspital's user avatar
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Exporting text to .txt file in C

My program doesn't export anything to the .txt file; actually, I can't even compile it in this form. #include <stdio.h> typedef struct /*We define structure type to save ...
Newbie's user avatar
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How do merge two EXE files with command prompt/C

I've looked all over for a way to merge/bind 2 Windows executables with CMD and found nothing. My issue is I need to use only Windows Vista or above utilities to bind the EXE files. For example COPY /...
QuaDECH's user avatar
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How to save an included library in C win32 Console application EXE file

I started programming in C and I have Visual Studio 2012. I Write my program in Win32 ConsoleApplication and when I look in the Debug in my project there is an EXE file, and it work, but when i try ...
user3710157's user avatar
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Working with exe files in c

(Working on Windows 8) I'm trying to get the size of section headers in an exe file (PE32 Format) with c. From what I read, the offset from this field is 60 so I tried reading from there. This is the ...
YMeC's user avatar
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Making exe-file in c portable - static linking [duplicate]

I have made an app in c with a GUI - implementing the GTK lib. Now I want to make this exe-file portable to other window-computers. At the moment this is not possible because the program is dependent ...
user3155478's user avatar
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Open program.exe without a command line window [closed]

I've made an program.exe, which gives no output by itself when you start it, it just starts a clean command line window. The goal is to start it and there should be no command line windows, it should ...
jonadev95's user avatar
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Linking: making virtual address corresponding to file offset

I'm having small problems with getting my system working, so I decided to ask question if is it possible to make virtual address corresponding to file offset. So if virtual address of my .text section ...
user35443's user avatar
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Is entry point on correct place?

In these days I was reading some PE executable specifications. Then I made small C program doing push ebp, pop ebp and I compiled it. After successful compilation I opened PE file in executable and ...
user35443's user avatar
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How do I open an external EXE file inside of C?

How do I open an external EXE file from inside C? I'm trying to write a C program that opens Notepad, and some other applications and I am stuck. Thanks for putting up with my noob level of C ;p
Leetfail's user avatar
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