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How to animate class changes with framer-motion

I have a function that changes the isOpen state when the user scrolls the mouse wheel, I need to make content that is initially behind the right side of the screen and looks out a little from there, ...
bnvmnvbm's user avatar
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Stagger Children with framer-motion where the child is a custom component

I am trying to create a mobile menu where the nav items fade in one at a time. I've dug around but can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong here. Instead of staggering each NavLink item, they all load ...
JimboNeutronbo's user avatar
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Animation resets when InView component callback is called

Whenever I try and update state in my InView component, it brings back my AnimationText to the initial state it was in until I refresh. This is only when I update my darkNavbar state to inView. I'm ...
ElliotSaha's user avatar
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Overflow hidden on a sticky div breaks ability to scroll to the bottom on mobile browsers

I wanted to use a scroll effect (parallax + filters) in a very simple page. It's just a sticky 120vh div with a background image and some text. Everything works fine in the desktop browser and with ...
Moritz Roessler's user avatar
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Framer-motion element appears multiple times

What am I trying to do & context? I am currently making a personal website, and I wanted center this container. You can an example on Aceternity. With a modified version this container centered, ...
Ben Lewis-Jones's user avatar
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How can I trigger an animation with scroll up/down and do the full animation in framer motion?

I will go in deeper explanation, I have a classic button to activate a menu that expands and covers the entire screen and that is composed of a clipPath that is what expands and covers the entire ...
Germán Arias Rodríguez's user avatar
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Framer Motion Using Animate Function To Move Object

I am currently trying to use the Framer Motion library to move an object when clicking it. I want to be able to move a component to a specific location and it doesn't matter where the start position ...
cup's user avatar
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How to pre-configure a basic framer-motion animation in a polymorphic component that uses Radix Slot?

Based on the Slot documentation, when your component has a single children element, a polymorphic button can be created accordingly: // your-button.jsx import React from 'react'; import { Slot } from '...
Bruno Kawka's user avatar
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navbar with blur doesn't show the effect when an element with some type of animation is behind it?

I've exhausted my brain power as it is 2am, so i'm here to ask if anyone has any solution to this problem that has came to my attention. Im using typescript, framer motion, and tailwind to build a ...
Rylan's user avatar
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Fix other div snapping while using motion.div (framer-motion)

Here is my code <AnimatePresence> {state.deleteMultipleDiscounts.length !== 0 && ( <...
api's user avatar
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4 votes
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Getting Error: EINVAL errno: -4071 in NextJS, unable to fix

I'm working on a nextjs project and today I've been unable to start the project (using npm run dev). I've been getting the following error: [Error: EINVAL: invalid argument, readlink 'C:\Users\cxXni\...
xXnikosXx's user avatar
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TS2786 in every component and file

Every single component that you can see in the code below is accused of TS2786, telling me "{component} cannot be used as a JSX component". This is a project that I have for a year now and I'...
Caio's user avatar
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Why is the button floating up before going down?

I wanted the button to move down to accomodate for a new row added. So I put layout on the MotionButton (Which is just a motion(...) wrapped component). <div className="grid gap-5"> &...
Stephen Horton's user avatar
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how can i add link in my project card component i use Link tag and anchor tag both but i cant add link in my project card component

i use link tag but unable to show the action of it in my UI as its not working please suggest so that it work properly i expect that my link tag is work properly and i redirect to the specified page ...
Shivendra Keshari's user avatar
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framer-motion animation happens on every re-render

I'm having some trouble with React and framer-motion. I have a page that has 2 text field with states for their inputs. In addition I have a chip list that I want to animate when a chip is being ...
yoel2810's user avatar

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