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Frustum Culling breaks when looking up or down [closed]

The title explains it all, but to summarize. When the camera's direction is not pointing down or up, Frustum culling works fine (I checked the amount of draw calls etc thru console). BUT it is not ...
Alphenex's user avatar
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Incorrect Frustum Culling behavior

I've written a C# script and a Compute Shader that should cull the instances that are not visible by the camera. The instances are getting culled but with some weird behavior - sometimes not getting ...
Zbajnek's user avatar
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Create a tight frustum around a 3D model bounding volume

Tight frustum I intend to create a tight frustum around a 3D model: I have these variables: Inputs: 3D model bounding box or bounding sphere or bounding volume. To be determined: Eye distance and ...
Megidd's user avatar
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Does the camera transform in Unity invert directions at the end?

I want the 8 corners of the camera frustum and I have this: Vector3 nearTopLeft = center_near + (up * (height_near / 2)) - (right * (width_near / 2)); Vector3 nearTopRight = center_near + (up *...
Feref28's user avatar
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ThreeJS Object3D.frustumCulled

ThreeJS objects have a check to see if the object is in the camera area - Object3D.frustumCulled. How to get the "Object3D.frustumCulled" check result?
Trismer's user avatar
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frustum culling not filtering out bboxes correctly

I'm writing some frustum culling code ( once again ), and it's mostly working, but for some reason, some boxes are showing as intersecting the frustum when they really aren't. I setup a 10x10 grid of ...
Joao Pincho's user avatar
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How far to move a point to get it out of the view frustum?

I'm creating a view frustum from a combo matrix (function at the end of the question for reference). What I want to do is, I have an object at xyz... and a direction vector abc, both of these in world ...
KiraHoneybee's user avatar
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How change Level of Detail Attribute of objects to boundingbox which are in frustum of moving camera?

I am trying implement frustum culling in maya , where I am turning Level of Detail to boundingbox [cmds.setAttr(object + '.overrideLevelOfDetail',0)] if they are not in the frustum of the selected ...
Kartikey's user avatar
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"Screen position out of view frustum" errors followed by "Assertion failed on expression: 'std::abs(det) > FLT_MIN'" - Unity 3d

So in my game you are a sphere rolling down ramps, but if you go too fast and crash into a ledge the game freezes and the console gets spammed with the first error in the title followed by the second ...
Simon Siirtola's user avatar
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How to implement correct cube frustum culling

I'm trying to implement frustum culling for my directx application. Each geometry in my application is surrounded by a bounding volume, which I'm trying to use to determine whether it's inside the ...
Gregor Sattel's user avatar
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Flutter canvas. How to draw frustum or add a frustum to a basic graphic?

I know how to draw a basic graphics, canvas.drawCircle(); canvas.drawPolygon(); ... Is there any way to draw a frustum make it to 3d? Like those:
HarrisonQi's user avatar
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Check if line segment or triangle intersects a frustum

I have a frustum made of six planes, normals all pointing inwards. I can check if a point is inside the frustum with this function: char ClassifyPoint(float x, float y, float z, char thePlane) { ...
KiraHoneybee's user avatar
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How to determine whether a line segment is partially contained in (intersects) a frustum in THREE.js?

I need to be able to determine whether the straight line between two points (segment), crosses the space inside a frustum (intersects the frustum). I've looked into the APIs offered by THREE.js and ...
Mabedan's user avatar
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Most efficient way to determine if a cube intersects a frustum

I'm looking for a fast, efficient (even if sometimes false positive) way to determine if a cube intersects a frustum. I've been using a brute force test of just seeing if all cube points are behind ...
KiraHoneybee's user avatar
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OpenGL (LWJGL 3) culling terrain vertices/triangles that are not in the view frustum

I am trying to implement frustum culling in my 3D Game currently and it has worked efficiently with the entities because they have a bounding box (AABB) and its easier to check a box against the ...
Dstarred's user avatar
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