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How to add a legend when mapping with stat_sf_coordinates?

I'm using ggplot and sf to produce a map that layers points over a choropleth. The points are rendered with stat_sf_coordinates and the choropleth is rendered with geom_sf. The resulting plot prints a ...
Jake's user avatar
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Global Mapper Scripting Problem Elevation Grid

I have a problem with trying to use a Global Mapper Script in order to create an elevation grid out of lidar data. The final output should be a nCHM exported as an ASCII file. I narrowed the problem ...
David E.'s user avatar
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Why Is There a Decrease in Built-Up Area Obtained From Bhuvan API LULC 250k Data?

I'm conducting statistical analyses of built-up areas across several villages in Telangana, India using LULC 250k AOI-wise data from the Bhuvan API. While analyzing data from 2015-16 and 2017-18, I ...
Thomas Sabu's user avatar
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Convert CH1903+/LV95 projection (EPSG:2056) to EPSG:4326 (WGS84) with vertical correction

I am currently trying to use elevation data data from the Swiss Alti3D DEM and compare it to another set of data that I have acquired in WGS 84 (EPSG: 4326). As such, I tried to reproject the Swiss ...
becker's user avatar
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vue-cesium - how reduce the height of the 3d tiles layer relative to the ground?

vue-cesium - how reduce the height of the 3d tiles layer relative to the ground? here is my vue 3 component: <template> <vc-viewer> <vc-layer-imagery> <!-- this ...
Илья Krike's user avatar
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Simplify Polygon shapefile to reduce file size in python

I have a polygon shapefile which was vectorized from a raster layer (second image). This shapefile contains thousands of features with just one column which represent polygon level (ranging 1-5). The ...
Naama's user avatar
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What is the proper way to repair/recreate the .shx of an ESRI Shapefile using gdal?

I can recreate the missing .shx file by using the gdal command ogr2ogr and specifing the config "--config SHAPE_RESTORE_SHX YES". But, although it recreates the .shx file it gives me an ...
ASRodrigo's user avatar
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Google Directions API - set transit mode to *prefer* ferries

Within the Google Directions API, is there a way I can specify my request to prefer to take a ferry when it is an option? In the documentation, all I can see is that I can set a parameter to avoid ...
Matt Walsh's user avatar
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20 views error: "Uncaught ReferenceError: VERSION is not defined"

I want to create an app using to render a map to take advantage of WebGL for rendering vector tiles. I have a .mbtiles file served using Tileserver-GL. It works using OpenLayers, but I would ...
wade's user avatar
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Using the ArcGIS JS SDK, all calls I make to an Image Server Identify yield "Right side of assignment cannot be destructured" error

I am trying to query an ArcGIS ImageServer (specifically Sentinel2) using the ImageryLayer.identify() function. Every combination of parameters I've used leads to "TypeError: Right side of ...
Alex Smith's user avatar
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From Shapefile to DB Table: need a way to use shp without touching my GeoDjango API

I'm facing a big problem on developing my GIS software with Django (GeoDjango). I need to create a software that allows me to add, remove and modify Shapefiles to my Database (we used shp2pgsql to ...
d44rte's user avatar
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Printing Image Layer with MapFish Print

I try to print a Image Layer with MapFish Print 3. I've tried several different print requests absolute image paths, relative ones and urls, but never succeeded. The print finishes successfully ...
Fabian's user avatar
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Misalignment when overlaying Python-generated raster tiles on EPSG:3395 nautical chart

I'm working on a project to visualize ship location data on nautical charts using the EPSG:3395 coordinate system. I have a set of latitude and longitude coordinates for various ships, and I want to ...
J.Crax's user avatar
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Direct Retrieval of Nearest Location Using OSRM Nearest API

I've been using the OSRM Nearest API service to obtain the nearest nodes within a road network. However, the response only provides the node IDs, not the actual locations. To retrieve the locations, I ...
Muteeb ali's user avatar
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Working with FIT files in QGIS - how to visualise trackpoints with symbology by speed

I'm using QGIS 3.28.2-Grenoble. I exported my activities from Garmin Connect Web - FIT files. Then, I used FIT Plugin for QGIS to load FIT files to *.sqlite database
Moseleyi's user avatar
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