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Missing triangles when rendering obj file with assimp

I'm using assimp and opengl to render a simple OBJ file, but when it is rendered the figure contains triangles with wrong coordinates (or at least that's what I think. It's possible that some ...
Tarasse Kanevskyy's user avatar
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Render a line in OpenGL as a quad using Geometry shader [closed]

I have a simple class for drawing OpenGLLine. It works great using just vertex and fragment shader. But now I want to make the line thicker and for that I decided to use Geometry shader. But for some ...
Eugene Alexeev's user avatar
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Framebuffer appears to be black when using color_attachment texture [closed]

I recently implemented a framebuffer, because i want to render inside imgui, but when i actually pass the color_attachment to imgui it renders a black texture, i debugged the framebuffer, it receives ...
leafar's user avatar
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How do I convert a Quaternion to Euler using glm and C++?

In my project, I use quaternions in my code, but I also want to be able to use Euler angles in other parts in my code because it's easier for me to use. But when I rotate the Y axis of a glm::...
ratm's user avatar
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How to calculate local axes?

I have a Trasnform class, it has as princiapli attributes of glm::vec3 that describe the position, rotation and scale, through the apply() method the transformation matrix is calculated and from this ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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glm::angleAxis function equivalent in cglm on C?

i'm trying to make a camera on C with cglm by a tutorial that uses glm. it uses glm::angleAxis to get rotation quaternions from pitch and yaw. i was searching if cglm have equivalent to this function, ...
Sirox's user avatar
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glReadPixels() returns background color?

I am trying to get the colour which was clicked on in OpenGL via glReadPixels(): #include <iostream> #include <glad/glad.h> #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> #include <glm/gtc/...
JadenJin's user avatar
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Characters centering weirdly in Freetype, OpenGL [closed]

I am trying to render some text inside a button (which is just a vec2 of button size and vec2 of button position), and I am trying to center the text inside the button. and it works for characters ...
Aseed Kid's user avatar
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How glm::translate works?

While debugging a videogame in OpenGl C++ I printed the transformation/translate matrix and show me something like this: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 tx ty tz 1 ​ but I think it should be: ​ 1 0 0 tx ...
caquis caquis's user avatar
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Why is my 2d quad not rendering using glm::perspective?

I try to render a simple 2d quad using DirectX12, but somehow my perspective camera is not displaying the quad, orthographic camera works though. The reason of the perspective camera is to prepare for ...
user15137953's user avatar
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How to Maintain Image Aspect Ratio When Tiling and Using a Camera in OpenGL?

I am working on rendering a large image in tiles using OpenGL. My goal is to render images in tiles, but i am struggling maintain the aspect ratio of the original image when applying a camera ...
Iorp's user avatar
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How do I get world coordinates from mouse coordinates in OpenGL with Camera class?

I am trying to convert mouse coordinates to world coordinates in OpenGL and I am using the camera class from, which is this. And I'm using this function for converting cursor space to ...
Aseed Kid's user avatar
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Camera movement on opengl project: sideways movement rotates and skews image

im trying to make a simple triangle mesh and look at it with a camera. The mesh should be in the x/y plane with z = 0, while the camera should be at the same plane but z = 10. The project is in this ...
link mira's user avatar
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How to know the existing pixel value of the framebuffer [duplicate]

I am trying to make a heatmap and in my Fragment shader i want to know the existing color value of the pixel on which the shader will write. Based on the red color value i want to decide whether to ...
Summit's user avatar
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How to translate point light and rotate directional light OpenGL?

I intend to implement Gouraud shading with two light.(point light and directional light) I want to translate the point light and rotate the directional light with keyboard callback function of OpenGL. ...
kkk's user avatar
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