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Migrating from Google Sign-In with my Create Calendar Event Javascript Method

I have a method which has been working for the last decade and it still works with my Client ID as is stated in the migration notice. The problem started when using a newly generated Client ID for a ...
Chad's user avatar
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Google Calendar API not sending emails 100% of the time

I'm using the latest version, v3, of the Google Calendar API to create events and inviting people, often outside of our organization, to these events. Some attendees never get the email that an event ...
justColbs's user avatar
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How to Delete Today's Google Calendar Entries in Google Apps Script

I am trying to delete Google Calendar entries for today in Google Apps Script. I create the entry from a Google Spreadsheet. In the cells, the dates are formatted mm/dd/yyyy 00:00:00 where the start ...
Codedabbler's user avatar
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How do I make a script in Google calendar for a 6 day week that skips weekends and holidays? [closed]

At my daughter's school they are on a 6 day week and we never know what day her special classes (music, P.E., dance etc.) example, Music class is on Day 1, Monday. The next week it's on Day 1 which is ...
Jason Beecher's user avatar
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google calendar api v3 list returns out-of-range deleted events

I'm querying google calendar api v3 list for events within the last month. To wit: "[censored]" #... params = { timeMin: ...
user542833's user avatar
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Inquiry Regarding Google Calendar API Settings for Retrieving 'Public Holidays Only' Japanese calendar

I am looking for a Java calendar ID for Google Calendar API that returns only public holidays. Japanese Google Calendar settings Holiday Calendar content (Japanese Settings) "祝日およびその他の休日":...
萱島卓也's user avatar
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Google Calendar API is not working on Flutter web app

I have a Flutter app that I have added a calendar to and I want to add calendar events to the user's web Google calendar. I am using the Google Calendar API to do this. When I run the code and try to ...
LostTexan's user avatar
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How to access google calendar rest api:{calendarID}/user without using library function using node.js

I am not able to figure out a proper flow in accessing google calendar rest API's without using inbuilt methods of googleapis liberary to modify the event/access them. All the solutions found to ...
TechLearner's user avatar
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How to debug error 401/403 for Google Calendar API?

{ "error": { "code": 403, "message": "Method doesn't allow unregistered callers (callers without established identity). Please use API Key or other form of ...
Jadon Leung's user avatar
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Problem updating calendar event via iCalendar (.ics) in Gmail

I am encountering an issue while working with iCalendar (.ics) files in a system developed in Symfony. The goal is to allow users to create meetings and send an email with an .ics file attached so ...
Gabriel Libório's user avatar
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Packaging Error when packing an google calendar api project pyinstaller

I'm working on a project and I'm using pyinstaller to package the application into an exe file. I tried to implement the google calendar API into the application but when I try to run the exe file it ...
LegosAndStuff's user avatar
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UID format for inline VCALENDAR events sent to gmail

I'm trying to programmatically send an e-mail containing an embeddded ICS/VCalendar event. I've successfully created the MIME body as multipart/alternative and embedded the text/calendar data ...
JHH's user avatar
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How do I get the Vacation example to work in App Script?

I'm just getting started with App Script, and tried running the example of a script the scrapes vacation events on a groups individual calendars to a group one. I followed the instructions, made a ...
Mar's user avatar
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Links embedded in pdf of google calendar getting changed automatically from original intended url in android

I am facing this strange issue with google calendar links. So, I have embedded a clickable url in a pdf. The expectation is when the pdf is shared to someone and they click on that object,it should ...
Shariq Azim's user avatar
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Inifinite loop on updating Google Calendar event by script (trigger issue)

I wrote a script to add tags and modify color of Google Calendar events. The script : select some events based on date range apply some rules on the selected events The script itself work just fine ...
Nikomiko's user avatar

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