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Making a search location function through the Google Maps API

I don't know how to implement a search location function in my project based on the google maps API. The objective is to have the user type a location on the textview and clicks the button next it, it ...
Elliots's user avatar
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OnClick Compose GoogleMap Cluster/Item show InfoWindow without camera move

Using this example activity: I want to only ...
Mario Huizinga's user avatar
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Google map directions delay loading the itinerary

I'm using google map intent in my react native application has been almost one year without any problem passing the coordinates in this url allowing the user to open "Google maps" on ...
Ruchaw's user avatar
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Android map doesn't auto zoom after calling CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(xx)

I have a fragment which displays the position of store on Google Map: import android.os.Bundle import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx....
anta40's user avatar
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Is there any alternative for searching nearby places without using Google map Places API?

I am trying to search nearby places by types ( such as Hospital, Restaurant,..) from my current places, I used gg map API but I realised that I need to pay for this services, can anyone have another ...
khanh quang's user avatar
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Is there a way to change the position of the Google Maps API buttons in Compose?

I would like to move the map buttons, mainly the Compass button (which appears at the top left) and the My Location button (which appears at the top right) so that I can put them down or in any ...
Ulises Cortés's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose Clustering sometimes show default markers

I have a screen that contain a list of custom markers with clustering and works fine. The problem is sometime after open de screen my google maps show my customs markers AND the default markers on the ...
Aris Guimerá's user avatar
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Can I have two different Google Map keys to load google maps in two different activities in a single android app?

I have a android application in which I need to load google maps in two different activity. How to use two different google map keys for each activity. Is it even possible? Earlier I had only one API ...
dev's user avatar
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Google Maps styling applies only above zoom level 13, below that roads turn black instead of styled color

I'm using Flutter with the Google Maps Flutter plugin to display a map in my application. I've applied custom styling to the map using the setMapStyle method to change the color of roads to a specific ...
Bahadur Khan's user avatar
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Using google maps api key in open source GitHub repository in Flutter app

I am developing an open source Google Maps project by Flutter and I do not want the GMS API to appear in my repo when I integrate with Google Maps. I don't know how I can use the variable in the .env ...
senabdulgani's user avatar
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Google maps API 18.2 - Can I get my shapes to be drawn in front of the buildings again?

When migrating from to, my shapes suddenly started to appear behind the buildings and road labels, ...
Henrik Berg's user avatar
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Android Google Maps V2 API center Longitude

I need a way of getting the center Longitude of the current Google Map screen. I'm not dealing with any City scale but being able to scroll around the Atlantic and Western Pacific areas of the globe ...
user1572522's user avatar
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Cannot zoom in to current location in Android Studio

public class Game_Activity extends FragmentActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback { private Location currentLocation; private FusedLocationProviderClient fusedClient; private static final ...
Jonathan Kalush's user avatar
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Map on Jetpack Compose: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed

Im trying to implement Jetpack Compose Map on my project. In the emulator works fine but on physical devices doesn't. This is NOT a API_KEY problem. I tried several times with different keys and doesn'...
Aris Guimerá's user avatar
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Google map crash android 14 Jetpack compose?

I just migrated my code to SDK 34 and Jeptpack compose version 1.5.4 and material3 v = 1.1.2 also but I am getting crash when opening Google map which was working ...
Jeevan Rupacha's user avatar

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