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What is generated for a managed google play web app?

In the managed Google Play store, you have 3 different application types: Managed Google Play store app Managed Google Play private app Managed Google Play web app The managed Google Play web app ...
ghost's user avatar
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NullPointerException crash with no idea how to replicate

I've noticed a weird crashlog that keeps me awake at nights in google play console of my app. The crashlog looks like this. at com.[redacted].main.GameViewModel.nFragments ( at ...
0xDE4E15B's user avatar
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Spring Boot With Auth0 And Google Play Account Deletion Requirement

I am developing a mobile app and using Auth0 as my authentication provider. Currently, I am in a stage of development where I have started internal testing on Google Play Console and I saw that I have ...
Kevin's user avatar
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You have the Android Games SDK enabled in your app but your settings are invalid or incomplete. Please use the Tuning Fork validation tool to debug

I've updated my app through Unity and am trying to upload the .aab to Google Play console, only to be met by this error: "You have the Android Games SDK enabled in your app but your settings are ...
KrazeyKami's user avatar
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Update My App in Google Play Console is in Review from Last 10 days [closed]

I developed a Google Play Console and Upload my First App. I have completed all the testing but due some problem it rejected. Then i uploaded a new version of app which also get rejected from Google ...
Soumen Pramanik's user avatar
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How to detect Google Play Pre-Launch Report context?

We've been using code like this to detect when our Google Play app is running in the Pre-Launch Report and Firebase Test Lab (FTL) environments: How to detect if the app is running on Google Play Pre-...
Stu's user avatar
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How i can update Maven dependency to an android 14 compatable version

enter image description here I am facing this issue when i update my games max api to 34 and Inapp version according to google policy but when i update these tring to upload and got this error from ...
Muhammad Suleman's user avatar
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Foreground service permissions Google Play Console

I want to upload a new APK to Google Play Console. I updated to Android 14, and now I am using two new permission: FOREGROUND_SERVICE_HEALTH FOREGROUND_SERVICE_LOCATION But Google Play Console now ...
alexC's user avatar
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Where do I upload video demo of background geolocation?

My app recently got removed from Google Play because they couldn't view the video I'd attached showing the use of background geolocation. This happened because the video in Google Drive got removed. I'...
gkeenley's user avatar
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Issue with Displaying Multiple Subscription Plans in Free Trial Implementation

I'm currently implementing a subscription feature in my app where users get a 3-day free trial and are charged a specific amount once the trial period ends. However, I'm encountering an issue where ...
Sumit Kumawat's user avatar
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Unable to get production access: More testing required to access Google Play production

I got my family, friends & this testers community group to test my app. I had around ~40 people testing the app for 14 days and I released 12 new versions with new features and bug fixes. This is ...
JustanOneQuick's user avatar
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Can't verify phone number in google play console

I'm trying to verify my phone number in the Google Play Console, but I keep encountering the following error message: "We can't verify your phone number at the moment. If this error persists, try ...
ishara sewwandi's user avatar
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Google Sign-in not working on Android's Closed Testing Release [duplicate]

I recently published a closed testing release on Google Play Console, but me and all other testers have reported that they are unable to sign in using Google Sign-In. Context: I am developing the app ...
Steinhammer71's user avatar
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Device and Network Abuse policy: Unsafe Implementation of TrustManager

I have published my android app on play console and it is giving me this warning. "We found that your app contains security vulnerabilities, which can expose user information or damage a user’s ...
Codes by Gauri's user avatar
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Google play - Update rejected Families Policy Requirements: Login Credentials

I'm trying to understand what is wrong with the username and the password that I set in the App access, Google claims in the rejection message that "We could not access the in-app content with ...
gil cohen's user avatar
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