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Google Vault API -- Google Voice 403 Issues

My current code: def __api_create_export( access_token, matter_id, org_unit_id: str, start_time: arrow.Arrow, end_time: arrow.Arrow ): headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {...
Som Mohapatra's user avatar
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Google Vault API Usage

We are facing some issues with the Google Vault API. When retrieving data using the Vault API in my Python automation, we only receive 28 matters. we tried the same request with Postman and also ...
Raju Vemula's user avatar
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Transient error. Retry issue when calling GVault Create Hold API

We use the GVault Hold API to create holds in GVault on behalf of our customers using the API defined here, via the Google....
Jamie Nordmeyer's user avatar
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Vault Drive export using Search Term "in:trash AND owner:me". owner:me behaviour correct?

We have found a strange edge case and I would like some advice as to how "owner:me" works with the Vault API. Vault retention is turned on. User [email protected] has had a lot of drive ...
Matt's user avatar
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Try to download export from google vault, get 403 error using service account

From documentation on, I've been able to create, list, and retrieve exports, but I haven't found any way to download the exported data associated ...
James Zou's user avatar
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Authenticating to Google Vault API -- getting 400 response with message: "The user does not belong to a G Suite customer."

I'm trying to do a simple query from the Google Vault API using JSON credentials provided from the Google API console for a service account. I'm getting a 400 response (Invalid Request / Invalid ...
Jeff's user avatar
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can't download blob from Google Vault API export

I can't get this to work either. In the Google API example documentation, it states this, see below. I am able to authenticate using a storage account, and access the Bucket and see the blobs, but ...
Jeffrey Goodwin's user avatar
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Google cloud storage object - Service account does not have storage object get access

I have a service account for my GCP project that uses the Vault and Google Cloud Storage APIs. I have ensured that both of these APIs are enabled. I have also ensured my service account has the ...
line_definer's user avatar
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GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() returning unexpected results

I am using a Google cloud function and can't get the default service account to work properly. The service account works fine if I pass in a JSON credentials file. However, if I set the same service ...
BobL's user avatar
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FAILD status when export query result from Google Vault API

I’m using Google Vault API (python script) to query message data from google chat. I have about 1800 emails but when I queried from the 1000th email to 1050th email, the export status returned FAILED ...
Nghĩa Lê's user avatar
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Search for messages in Google Chat Space through Google Vault API

I'm trying to create a Google Vault Export containing all messages in a Chat Space by querying for a specific Chat Space ID. Unfortunately, creating an export for the following query: newQuery ....
David Mszrs's user avatar
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Can storage service access Google Vault Buckets

I am trying to write a Java program to download Vault export data to a Google Cloud storage bucket since the export data gets deleted after 2 weeks. The Vault data is associated with the typical GCS ...
BobL's user avatar
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Create vault matter and export mailboxes with GAM

So, I'm new to GAM but was tasked by my supervisor to use it with our Google Workspace to create a process of exporting offboarded employee mailboxes on a regular basis. I've learned a bit about ...
devmilroy's user avatar
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Get items count and items size of a particular account under hold in G-Suit

I am G-Suit admin user having google vault privileges. I am trying to get items count and items size of a particular account placed under hold. Could you please suggest an API endpoint to retrieve ...
Admin User's user avatar
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Error About Google Vault API with python program

Im using Google Vault API from the python program. Using method is [Method: matters.exports.create] reference Using python ...
user46963's user avatar

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