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jsoup converting '&' to '&amp' when I set the Element

I am trying to parse an html input using jsoup (v1.18.1), extract elements, extract each attribute value and replace as follows: > with &gt < with &lt The method I'm feeding this code ...
Pallavi's user avatar
-1 votes
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unable to fetch files from a folder in a remote server, though I pass valid api keys. No error msg, just blank screen [closed]

I want to list all the files in img folder in my website. Though I pass valid api keys, no error msg. blank screen <?php $url = ""; $base = "
sankari's user avatar
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How to extract URL from HTML response in Android?

I have @GET endpoint in response to which I receive an html code with URLs. I need to reach the URL that comes after 200 code. Do you have any idea how to do it in Android? I already tried to use the ...
Alex20280's user avatar
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PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser not Returning Anything [duplicate]

I'm trying to use the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser for the first time from here - Unfortunately, I'm having an issue where it's not returning ...
Lewis Hardisty's user avatar
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Getting a HTTP Response with nodriver

I'm using nodriver and it's not directly supporting network methods. But it does support for several CDP objects (network: and ...
Aca's user avatar
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-2 votes
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JavaScript for bookmarklet data extraction from an html monthly calendar schedule

I have a bookmarklet and JavaScript with which I am extracting data from an html table from a website. For the most part the script works fine however it parses the date wrong. The date, in the HTML ...
SystemWorks's user avatar
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Parse WhatsApp message read status [closed]

My question is more about html layout and parsing dynamic of content. My task: parse contacts who read my particular message in the Group. I tried to see DOM structure for the DIV block that hold that ...
Jeffrey Rasmussen's user avatar
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Xml Parse code working fine at my end, does not work at client region over same Html

I have written Apps Script code for Html Parsing using XmlParse. It works fine at my end, my browser and system language both are English as well as my Google Account's. But when I shared the same ...
Amna Irfan's user avatar
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How to get the page content of the link in right-click context menu

everyone. I've never did JS coding before but I needed a certain extension that I couldn't find in the shop. So I've decided to make my own. Here is the logic: when you right-click the link you get ...
aleksds1's user avatar
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How to handle self-closing tags without end-slash in html.parser.HTMLParser

By default it seems that html.parser.HTMLParser cannot handle self closing tags correctly, if they are not terminated using /. E.g. it handles <img src="asfd"/> fine, but it ...
flawr's user avatar
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Br Tag does not produce line break

Code: import 'package:html/parser.dart'; class HtmlUtil { String? toPlainTxt(String htmlString) { final document = parse(htmlString); final parsedString = parse(document.body?.text)....
TSR's user avatar
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4 votes
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Treatment of superfluous closing tags depends on tag name

Unlike XHTML, HTML does not allow separate closing tags for empty-content elements like br and hr. The HTML validator gives an error end tag for element "..." which is not open in such ...
Heiko Theißen's user avatar
-1 votes
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code not running when webscraping weather data

I am trying to scrape earthquake weather data from USGS and my code runs up to the print(soup) line but nothing after that import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url="https://earthquake....
Lumko Mtengwane's user avatar
1 vote
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My Beautiful Soup library is not extracting out the all the anchor elements from a listed display

Hi so I am very new to web scraping and I am trying out the basics for it. Right now, I wanted to extract links from a root website ( The problem was, however, I could not get the ...
Gs can't's user avatar
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Populating Spreadsheet(s) from email html table

I am not a programmer but I've been digging through the weeds to figure something out on my own and I'm stuck. I have a google spreadsheet with multiple sheets that I need to populate with content ...
notobella designs's user avatar

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