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Youtube Iframe API - Hide HUD

Is there any way to remove/hide any HUD/control element from the Youtube Iframe? I've tried so many things like almost every combination of playerVars/query options and I've also tried to edit the ...
Elie G.'s user avatar
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Three.js scene within hud

I would like to create a Three.js scene within a hud which is already in a Three.js scene. So essentially I would like to create a Three.js scene within a scene. To elaborate a bit further see the ...
Anton James's user avatar
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Can I add/declare properties to a function in JavaScript?

I'm developing a RPG using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with jQuery as a personal project. Right now I'm doing the HUD where the player will have buttons to display information such as the Character ...
Zlorak's user avatar
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Html5 based Loading Progress HUD

Just wondering if anyone can recommend a good loading HUD for a SPA based html page (written in mvc)? Being a SPA based web app I want to be able to give user some type of UI based feedback ...
Matt's user avatar
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