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Creating HUD like that of Mission planner

I'm working on a project to simulate a HUD (Head-Up Display) using tkinter and mavutil to receive telemetry data from a flight controller. However, the simulation doesn't match what I see in Mission ...
Animesh Chandra's user avatar
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Pyglet elements go offscreen when window is scaled

I'm working on a Minecraft clone (mainly working on improvements over obiwac's series) using Pyglet and GL (, and I'm trying to add a basic HUD. The HUD I've made renders fine, until the ...
xavvvv's user avatar
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Unity World Space UI that renders in front of gameobjects but is still maskable

So here's the gyst. I'm working on creating a Head Up Display (HUD) such as is found in military jet aircraft among others. To do this, I have a world space canvas which contains the HUD display ...
the_pied_shadow's user avatar
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How do I project Python terminal to another window?

So, basically I need to make a code that ask the user some questions and they must answer, but the person who requested the project asked for a better looking HUD for asking the questions and getting ...
Lucas's user avatar
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How to show HUD with custom UIView using SwiftUI?

I have looked into HUDContentType and still here is no the case to supports SwiftUI implementation. How to show SwiftUI View inside PKHUD/HUD?
Ramis's user avatar
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HUD post-processing in Godot

I have a project in Godot that renders billboarded quads on top of enemies. The quads(meshinstances) are children nodes of the enemy nodes. I want to render just the quads to a viewport for post-...
Dave's user avatar
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Is there a way to generate names on top of a sprite?

I'm a beginner in java and I'm using libgdx. Currently, I've followed a youtube guide to create a simple mario game and tweaked it into a 2 player game. However, is there a method to generate a name ...
Vesper's user avatar
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SwiftUI - Animating HUD / Pop Over like iOS Silent Mode

I'm trying to clone the following animation from iOS: Here's my code. I'm stuck with the animation of the star. I'd for example like to shake it a little bit or rotate it around it's y-axis. Here's ...
SwiftUIRookie's user avatar
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Live navigation instructions from the HERE app on smartphone

Does the SDK (Lite Version) sufficient for an application that prints the live navigation instructions that comes from the phone's app during navigation? I don't want to calculate any routes, nor ...
ily1301's user avatar
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How can I get the x,y,z axes in forge viewer which is similar to HUD in Navisworks?

I want to show X,Y,Z axes in forge viewer at the bottom-left corner like Navisworks. I can create the axes lines (described here) in a certain position of the viewer. But, as expected, whenever I ...
Md. Shohag Mia's user avatar
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Unreal - Create Widget in blueprint - fills the screen instead of keeping its dimensions

I use "Create Widget" -> "Add to viewport" to add one of my widgets to the viewport the problem is that the widget fills the whole screen I then added a canvas panel in my ...
Phil123456's user avatar
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Maya Custom HUD with python api

i wanted to create a custom heads up display like the maya resolution gate for my tool that i could control it with my window. i try using MPxDrawOverride and create what i want, but ... i see ...
Amin YSH's user avatar
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NSUserDefaults Saving Score

I am looking for some advice when it comes to saving a score in my app - I currently have a coin count working in which through my HUD class when I collide through Coins the value increases ...
AJ James's user avatar
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SpriteKit Controls / Gesture

Essentially I am trying to incorporate X2 gamescene buttons that do the following functions: 1) Tap to fly (this I have working) 2) Tap to shoot a projectile from Player position (I do not have ...
AJ James's user avatar
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HUD for Supermario Project C++ & Qt

Hi, I have to create a HUD for a Supermario Project with C++ and Qt. I have to recreate Supermario Bros 3 World 2 - Level 1 . So I wrote all the "static elements" like the "M" of Mario and the "World ...
theorly_'s user avatar

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