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How to Convert SVG Icon String to React Component in WordPress?

I'm working on a WordPress project where I allow users to select SVG icons from a set. After an icon is selected, its SVG markup is stored in the Redux store as a string. I need to render this stored ...
sanjeev gwachha's user avatar
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Interface icon position wrongly linked between Icon Layer and Diagram Layer in DYMOLA/Modelica

This post about an annoying issue about Port icons position in Modelica language (DYMOLA GUI). I have a model that uses Heatport and Fluid port interfaces. What should happen, and happens most of the ...
Aurélien Guy's user avatar
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How can change PRODUCT_NAME to a language other than English in xcode?

I'm making a macOS program. I'm trying to change the launcher icon name to Korean. So I went into BuildSetting and changed the Product Name to Korean, but the build failed. BundleDisplayName and ...
전병훈's user avatar
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Android App icon is displayed in disabled state in Settings App

I'm currently developing an app with an selector as the app icon. <selector xmlns:android=""> <item android:drawable="@drawable/...
leavewind's user avatar
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Task Manager in PowerShell

I want to add icons to this, but I can’t figure out how to call the icons for each application. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note: I use this when I can’t access the remote computer’s UI, ...
Michael Palmero's user avatar
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Power BI - Unable to add icons to my table visual

I have a table visual containing the individual quatation entries made by each broker. Firstly, I wanted it to display the data from the same period of the previous year based on the selection made in ...
cimino_cimi's user avatar
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How to display product attributes with icon on the product catalogue page?

A client wants to add car tires to a WooCommerce based shop. For convenience, I would like to add tire attributes to the store view, such as in this example (show the icon and next to it the ...
DM3's user avatar
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Eza doesn't display icons flag on Warp

I discover eza, maintained replacement for exa (ls replacement) But no icon is displayed (icon is why I install the formulae) in warp On the default terminal in mac, that work. I see a similar problem ...
Samuel Risch's user avatar
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How to change suggestion popup icons in vscode ?

enter image description here When I enter console in vscode, these prompts and icons will be displayed。 How can i change the icons shown above ? Is it easy to customize these icons? I wish I could ...
noone's user avatar
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why on Android 13 Splash Screen Icon is not showing at all (On Cold Start)

I am running my app on Android 13, splash screen is being shown without icon Implemented according to off docs ( On android 9 icon ...
Rob 's user avatar
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Sublime Text's Terminus is not showing "Oh My Zsh icons"

Oh-my-Zsh icons are not showing in the terminus shell When I open the powershell inside sublime text via "terminus" plugin, the Oh-my-zsh/oh-my-posh icons are not showing, instead i'm seeing ...
Santhosh Raajaa's user avatar
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How can i make my jpg logo file fit better in android studio

i have this ic_launcher.xml file : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <adaptive-icon xmlns:android=""> <...
Amirali Benvidi's user avatar
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Bottom Navigation Bar Icon Size

im programming my first app in Flutter and Im currently struggling with the size of the items at the bottom navigation bar. Ive found multiple "standards" like this: BottomNavigatioNbar ...
Tech Nik's user avatar
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Program icon in taskbar is text document icon rather than icon appearing on desktop

I have a .Net 4.7.2 WinForms project build using VS 2022. The application icon property is set to a custom icon which appears on the desktop as a shortcut . The icon is a multi-resolution file created ...
SimonKravis's user avatar
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JTable: Add icons next to strings in a specific column

I have a table whose contents are added dynamically. In the “Status” column I would like to add an icon next to the string, but I don't know how to do it. I have read other posts like this one, but ...
Bishop's user avatar
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