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When resizing a gif with imagemagick, the image quality degrades

When resizing a gif with imagemagick, the image quality degrades Before resize: After Resize: I have tried below command: convert input1.gif -coalesce -layers OptimizeFrame -resize 309x550 -...
Rams's user avatar
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Captioning all frames of a gif

I have a simple bash script to caption still images (jpg, png...) but it completely fails when given an animated gif. The error is convert: unable to write pixel cache '/tmp/magick-[random chars]': No ...
Hidden_R3d's user avatar
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Is GIF image resolution fixed to 72ppi?

I dont understand the explanation about why GIF files always has image resolution 72ppi. I have tried using ImageMagick converting PNG to GIF specifying -density to be 300ppi, but the resulting GIF is ...
jetpack's user avatar
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Converting from svg to gif with ImageMagick do not preserve blurring

When I run convert -delay 100 img.svg img.gif, blurring is not preserved (see below). How can I get a gif with the same appearance as the original image? Original image (left) and output (right)
Oswaldo Santos Baquero's user avatar
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resize only bigger gif than 250px

i want to resize only images that have bigger height or bigger width than 250px but save aspect ratio for png and jpg files i use this mogrify -resize '250x250>' *.jpg for gif is not working ...
art's user avatar
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ImageMagick's convert command is crashing with certain GIFs

I'm running the following command on my server for user-uploaded images: convert "original.gif" -coalesce -auto-orient -layers "optimize" "new.gif" This works on most GIFs but hangs forever on ...
bevanb's user avatar
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get "convert: improper image header" error when convert gif to png using ImageMagick

I am using ImageMagick to convert a gif to multiple png data. But I get this error: convert: improper image header /misc/lmbraid11/jingl/webscraping/dataset_2018_05_18/image2018_5_4_10_34.gif' @ ...
Jing's user avatar
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Can I join gifs with different speed or delay?

I tried to join two different gif with different delay, but the final output.gif has the same delay, not different... Is there a way to have different delays in one gif? import subprocess import os ...
PythonProgrammi's user avatar
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Fill empty space of the 256 color palette with black pixels

I need a 256 pixels color palette because FFmpeg gives me this error: Palette input must contain exactly 256 pixels. I use ImageMagick on Mac OS to create a GIF palette from an image that contains ...
Peter's user avatar
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Huge whitespace appearing when converting .png to .gif with bash convert

I have a directory called "plots_for_gifs", which contains 105 files, whose names are identical apart from they end in ...000.png, ...001.png ... etc. up to ...104.png. I am trying to convert them to ...
co323's user avatar
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Wrap a gif with a png

There are two image, one is gif, another is png. Now I need to wrap the gif image with png image. I use ImageMagick and I think it may work for me. convert src.png input.gif -gravity Center -...
CoXier's user avatar
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Where is convert in ImageMagick?

I just spent an infuriating day trying to make a gif out of a series of jpg files in R. I installed ImageMagick to run the following code: system("convert -delay 40 *.png example_4.gif") but I get ...
unknown's user avatar
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Animated gif created with ImageMagick has glitchy block color background

I am trying to stitch together a bunch of .png's which contain some alpha (transparency) but which have a uniformly white background. The png's look fine individually, but in the resulting .gif some ...
S E Clark's user avatar
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Put delay on a particular image / loop it , while merging several gifs using convert (Imagemagick)

I am trying to merge several gif images using convert of imagemagick. Each image has its own position and size. Suppose img1.gif is having 8 frames img2.gif is having 2 frames In the ...
vikash5472's user avatar
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ImageMagick android convert jpegs to gif

I try to speed up gif encoding, using ImageMagick port for Android. Everything I found about Magick is terminal commands, but no tutorial or some demo for how to do it programmatically. Here is my ...
Anton Shkurenko's user avatar

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