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ImageMagick don't run with php exec()

I tried to use ImageMagick to convert images with php. The ImageMagick run on cli using the exec() command, but it dont work. I already tried to run ImageMagick with the same command on linux terminal ...
Pedro's user avatar
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MissingDelegateError no decode delegate for this image format `EMF' converting image/x-emf to image/x-png

below python function convert emf format image to png. from wand.image import Image def process_image(self, image): if image.content_type == "image/x-emf": with as ...
amir jj's user avatar
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Imagemagick convert -thumbnail with out of bounds selected frame produces unwanted files

I'm new to imagemagick, my goal is to make a thumbnail from an image or a video with the selected frame. If I request an out of bounds frame, I'm expecting the command to fail and to not produce ...
anotherdev's user avatar
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Split image of any size into to 4 quarters

I am trying to create a script that splits any input image into 4 different parts (2x2). I tried the following: convert "$1" -crop 50%x50% +repage output%d.jpg With some input images it ...
Marinos An's user avatar
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How to force PHP to use the new ImageMagick version?

Been at this for about 2 hours now, read about 20 articles on Google. Fired everything I had into the terminal and its still not working. Restarted Apache and PHP-FPM several times. My Server ...
Jason Comparetto's user avatar
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Add Text in the center of the image using ImageMagick

I am trying to draw text on the center of the existing image but not able to achieve desired result: Here is so far i have tried convert src-image.png -gravity center -pointsize 144 -fill red -...
silentsudo's user avatar
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Resampled image is blurry

If I make a screenshot of the the top left corner of the Safari window using Shift-Command-4 > Drag and paste it here on Stack Overflow, the red-yellow-green "traffic lights" and the icon ...
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Build ImageMagick with XML support

I'm struggling to make ImageMagick convert images with XMP Profile. I use such ImageMagick build in AWS lambda (python). Here's how I assemble it: In Dockerfile I have: RUN yum install -y git gcc gcc-...
EugeneSalmin's user avatar
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Imagemagick -remap option while keeping transparency

I have an image with transparency that I am trying to remap to a different color scheme in ImageMagick 7: convert icon.png -remap palette.png out.png However, this makes transparent pixels black (or ...
hjk321's user avatar
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Why does this imagemagick created white image not show transparency but the red one does?

When I use Imagemagick to overlay a pure white rectangle over a larger transparent canvas: convert -size 2000x2000 xc:none -fill white -draw "rectangle 900,900 1100,1100" white_box.png Then ...
CRAIG's user avatar
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Converting Kodak PCD Files to TIF?

I have a few dozen Kodak CD-ROMs (with a few thousand photo scans) from the early 2000s that contain PCD files. I want to convert them to a maximum quality file (TIF?) for further processing in ...
user2571504's user avatar
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How to remove ringing/anti-aliasing/gradients from PNG with ImageMagick?

I am converting PNG icons to SVG, and results are better with sharp edges in the PNG. No gradients/anti-aliasing etc.. Results so far are ok, I am using a combination of -kmeans, -median, and -...
dtbaker's user avatar
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flatten layers aligned by centers instead of aligned by top-left corners

How can I overlap several images so that their centers are directly on top of each others'? I use -layers merge instead of -layers flatten because flatten will crop images to fit inside the dimensions ...
minseong's user avatar
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How to composite more than 2 images with imagemagick?

How can I overlap several images on top of each other using imagemagick? I have a base image layers.png: I want to cut out different parts of the image and overlap them. E.g., overlap the skeletal ...
minseong's user avatar
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How to stop gravity option screwing up imagemagick parenthesised inputs?

I've been battling with this error (bug?) in imagemagick: % convert \ > \( logo: -crop 100x100+300+300 -gravity west \) \ > \( logo: -crop 100x100+300+300 -gravity west \) \ > +append out.png ...
minseong's user avatar
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