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When I tried to convert the PDF to an image, the resulting image can be different from the original PDF

When I tried to convert the PDF to an image, the resulting image can be different from the original PDF. This is my pdf this is convert pdf to image output file The resulting image may have a ...
Manibalan K's user avatar
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Imagemagick: Mask mutliple images using black-and-white mask [closed]

I have a series of black-and-white images, like this: ImageMagick converts thems to mask, using connected-components magick *.png -define connected-components:area-threshold=130 -define connected-...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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Imagemagick: How to remove grid lines and dark regions from an image?

I have a microscopic image with grid of straight lines (not vertical or horizontal). I know that ImageMagick have -hough-lines operator that can detect straight lines. How to use it to remove such ...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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Imagemagick: Remove blured background from a sequence of images

I have a sequence of images {image_0001.png, image_0002.png, ...} from which i'd like to substract a blured background using ImageMagick. The one of the source image. It is its blured version. To ...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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Imagemagick: How to improve the brightness/contrast of an image with a narrow histogram?

I have a dark image which histogram lies in a tight group. In image editor I can convert image int HSL colorspace, separate L channels and make histogram adjustment. Is this the right way? Which ...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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Imagemagick: Are there any operators that could convert all spots on b/w mages into pixel placed at geometric center?

I have a huge set of black and white images with spots and want to replace every spot into pixel (or small circle) that is located in the geometric center of the spot. Because the spots has different ...
Ivan Z's user avatar
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ImageMagick way too slow drawing text

I've got ImageMagick drawing dots with coordinates on an image, but it's terribly slow. For context, I'm making a program to move the mouse cursor by typing two keys. Here's my script: #!/bin/bash ...
GGG's user avatar
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How ImageMagic determines the ColorSpace of a PNG?

Suppose I create a simple PNG with: convert -size 1x1 canvas:red red.png Here is a similar image (bigger size) for reference: Then run the command identify on it. It tells me the ColorSpace of the ...
Paulo Ney's user avatar
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Re-color a background of a scanned image with ImageMagic

I have an image, coming out of a scan, that I would like to reproduce it in several different colors against multiple different colored backgrounds, like the one bellow: I can easily change the color ...
Paulo Ney's user avatar
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automatically extract tiles from comics

Is it possible to automatically extract tiles from comics, with an existing tool like ImageMagick or should I code a tool myself? I have seen answers using ImageMagick (Using imagemagick how can i ...
baptx's user avatar
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Rotating a transparent png file with ImageMagick

I've a transparent png file with 100x100 size containing some text, like: convert -size 100x100 -font Courier -pointsize 40 -draw 'text 10,40 "pie"' xc:transparent a.png and an empty blue ...
user2194805's user avatar
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slice image based on horizontal lines

Hope someone can help me on this or just to confirm if this is actually doable or not. I've a PNG file that has horizontal lines. I'd like to split the image into smaller files based on these lines. ...
dhuvvamundha's user avatar
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ImageMagick: crop but keep original canvas size and paint background white

I want to crop an image into equally sized tiles, but not by separating them, rather by generating subimages where only the crop area remains from the original image and the rest is painted white. The ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Image Magick Mogrify @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3497 Permission Denied

I wanted to resize a batch of Image using ImageMagick. I used this this command found on stackOverflow. There are two directory on the same level "img_resize" where I want to put my resized images. ...
Felox's user avatar
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Imagemagick path for codeigniter

I am using Imagemagick library for applying effects on images. I am using it with codeigniter, on wamp on windows 7. I am facing issue of "Image processing failed. Please verify that your server ...
Shams's user avatar
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