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Is there a way to convert WMF to PNG using imagick in PHP so that the Cyrillic alphabet in the WMF image is converted to Cyrillic in PNG without error

I am trying to create PNG images from WMF to view such files in a browser. WMF is a drawing of a part with a description table and text in Cyrillic. I'm doing this in PHP using imagick: $image = new ...
Евгений Ващенко's user avatar
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ImageMagick Edge Detection - Picture To Line Drawing

I am trying to transform an image to line drawing, exactly like on this website (default settings): I am using Image Magick to try to achieve ...
BlasterGod's user avatar
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ImageMagick - Transform Outline Image to Perfect Black And White, WIth No Noise

I am looking for an image magick command that will help me transform black and white outline images (doodle sketches) to perfect white background and perfect lines (even no antialiasing) that are ...
BlasterGod's user avatar
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When I tried to convert the PDF to an image, the resulting image can be different from the original PDF

When I tried to convert the PDF to an image, the resulting image can be different from the original PDF. This is my pdf this is convert pdf to image output file The resulting image may have a ...
Manibalan K's user avatar
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imagick - Identify transparent areas of an image and write to a file - can this be done away from the command line?

I have a imagemagick convert command which identifies the non transparent regions of a PNG and writes them to a file. convert mask.png -alpha extract -negate -define connected-components:verbose=true -...
UrbanwarfareStudios's user avatar
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How Can I Use Imagick to Change the Color Profile to SRGB and Have it Preserve Colors Like `convert {file} -profile {iccfile} {file}

I'm having an issue converting the color profile from "Display P3" to "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" in Imagick (PHP API Class), and having it preserve the colors of an image the same way it ...
Chris's user avatar
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The excel call failed imagick

I'm using webp express for wordpress. I want to convert images to webp with imagick but when I hover Imagick option, it says the excel call failed How can I fix that? If I enter convert -version in ...
Regular User's user avatar
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Generate Multi-Layed PSD with ImageMagick

I am looking for a way to convert a fully in imagemagick generated image as a psd with all "elements" in the image on a seperate layer. My current command looks like this: convert -size &...
Styler2go's user avatar
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PHP imagick - Convert eps to jpg but poor quality

I'm trying to convert and resize eps files into jpg. I use php imagick for this. After converting the quality is very bad. my eps you can download here:
wzfreak's user avatar
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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Imagick::flattenImages()

I have been using Imagick and ImageMagick in one of my Image processing scripts. It is working perfectly on my development server has the following configurations. PHP Version 7.0.33 Imagick 3.4.3 ...
Rinsad Ahmed's user avatar
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Adding a grayscale mask during Compose Over using Imagick

I have the following script ImageMagick script convert $tmpA4 \ \( -clone 0 -negate \) \ \( -size ${wd}x${ht} gradient: -negate \) \ -compose over -composite \ $tmpA4 Which I am ...
Rinsad Ahmed's user avatar
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Translate Imagemagick command to Imagick

I have the following imagemagick command line options -gravity center -background none -extent ${wbg}x${hbg} which I replicated with the following Imagick code piece but not producing the same ...
Rinsad Ahmed's user avatar
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Vips + mozjpeg vs Imagick

I'm looking for a solution to get the best jpeg compression when down scaling an image. I'm comparing Vips + Mozjpeg and Imagick (convert). My original file (pic.jpg) is 6.5 MB. I run: ...
hamochi's user avatar
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Imagick not reflects the gravity once it is set

I am trying to translate the following piece of Imagemagick command line code convert tmpI.mpc -gravity center -crop ${ww}x${hc}+0+0 +repage as follows $tmpIC->setGravity(imagick::...
Rinsad Ahmed's user avatar
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convert image 75 dpi to 300 dpi using Imagemagick PHP

I'm attempting to increase a very low resolution jp2 image to a higher DPI so that the image can been seen without any inconvenience to our eyes. I have been successful in reading a jpeg2000 encoded ...
Indark's user avatar
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