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Convert(ImageMagick) killed when batch processing jpgs

Linux CentOS7 Version: ImageMagick 6.9.11-22 Q16 x86_64 2020-06-29 I have a script that converts a set of jpgs into another set of jpgs. convert -strip -interlace Line -resize ...
ScottD's user avatar
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ImageMagick cropping with the incorrect dimension

I tried with cropping images to 5862x367. However, it crops to 367x5862. I tried the following code: convert -crop 5862x367+0+0 +repage "/Users/ramakrishnanbalakrishnan/sites/img/test_in.JPG&...
Rams's user avatar
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How to convert PNG to JPEG losslessly?

I've converted PNG to JPEG with both java and python PIL. Python code : from PIL import Image img ='input.png')'output.jpg', 'JPEG', quality=100) For converting the Java code ...
Neo Reeves's user avatar
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PHP imagick - Convert eps to jpg but poor quality

I'm trying to convert and resize eps files into jpg. I use php imagick for this. After converting the quality is very bad. my eps you can download here:
wzfreak's user avatar
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jpg to eps conversion inverts colors

I'm trying to convert some CMYK images from jpg to eps using convert image.jpg -format esp3 image.eps. The resulting file appears to invert or mangle the color information. Sample of the original ....
jobu1342's user avatar
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A portrait photo (JPG) is turned sideway after imagemagick converts it to a png file. How to stop this change of orientation?

The original photo looks like this: I convert the it to png using this command: convert -strip -quiet -limit memory 2072580096 -quality 100 -alpha off -density 165% -scene 1 -colorspace sRGB ...
Anthony Kong's user avatar
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What deskew value to use for ImageMagick convert for a counterclockwise deskew of 5 degrees?

I need a counter-clockwise deskew of 5 degrees on a jpg image. I want to do this with the program convert of the ImageMagick tool suite. I thus need a command like: convert '2 skewed jpg/p. 2.jpg' -...
user143528's user avatar
7 votes
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Storing jpg images into a pdf file in a "lossless" way

Given a directory with several jpg files (photos), I would like to create a single pdf file with one photo per page. However, I would like the photos to be stored in the pdf file unchanged; i.e., I ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Does auto-orient in Imagemagick rotate image pixels?

I want to know what does following Imagemagick command exactly does: convert input.jpg -auto-orient out.jpg Does it just read and update exif ? Or does it also rotate the pixels present in the image?...
Manish Gautam's user avatar
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Convert .png into "lossy" .pdf

I would like to convert a .png into a .pdf (I guess it's actually being embedded) whilst reducing the filesize. So I thought, jpeg-compression might be a good choice. So far it works well with ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Trouble with converting large pdf's

When using a command to convert a multi-page PDF into multiple .jpg's I get this error: convert.exe: DistributedPixelCache '' @ error/distribute-cache.c/ConnectPixelCacheServer/242. convert....
J. Doe's user avatar
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imagemagick throws converter errors for jpg

I'm attempting to use graphicsmagick with imagemagick to resize some jpg and png images. The png images work great, but anytime a jpg image is downloaded or saved i get an error. I am running this ...
cluelessCoder's user avatar
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ImageMagick jpeg quality extremely low

I have the following image 188_f.jpg: And the following code: <?php $ss = "convert 188_f.jpg -quality 95% -set colorspace RGB -colorspace CMYK 188_f_cmyk.jpg 2>&1"; echo ">" . $...
Entity's user avatar
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imagemagick -- convert: no decode delegate for this image format `TIFF'

I'm trying to convert an image "img.tif" to "img.jpg" with the following command: convert img.tif img.jpg And this error arises: convert: no decode delegate for this image format `TIFF' @ error/...
maia's user avatar
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ImageMagik "convert" function can't crop more than 300 files at once

I am working on creating a video timelapse. All the photos I took are .jpg images shot at 4:3 aspect ratio. 2592x1944 resolution. I want them to be 16:9 at 1920x1080. I have written a little script ...
Brian C's user avatar
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