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How to convert image buffer to file object in NodeJS?

Purpose How do I make a file in the same path in NodeJS in the same form as client request form? // test.js const readFile = fs.readFileSync(filepath, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.log(...
jony woong's user avatar
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Why I am getting Command failed error at ChildProcess.onExit() while converting pdf to image?

I am converting pdf file to image line in png format using "pdf2pic" npm. But I am always getting the below error. Anyone have solution for this. I will be thankful to you: I already ...
Rakesh Saini's user avatar
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Getting Error In ImageMagick of Invalid Parameter - 150?

Hi all I am using ImageMagick to convert image. But while running the server I am getting the following Error. Anyone have the answer for this? The error is below> Invalid Parameter - 150 ...
Rakesh Saini's user avatar
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Async function immediately returns undefined yet output variable returns a value immediately before the return statement

I am writing a function that downloads and converts a pdf into individual jpg files by page. I am using the imagemagick library to do the conversion. I am having trouble with my processPDF() function ...
Brandon Piña's user avatar
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String is not interpolated correct when using convert sub process

I am using node 14 and for creating images with text. The string is interpolated but shows a strange format in the image. The sub process is called like this: let ...
ivoba's user avatar
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Image resolution low after converting pdf to image using GraphicsMagick for NodeJS

I'm trying to convert pdf into image using gm package and i just can't understand how should i adjust the output resolution. If i'm doing like this: gm(`${sourcePath}[0]`) .setFormat('jpg') ...
Anna's user avatar
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how to get cropped image names and paths after crop by imagemagick

I crop an image file by node module imagemagick. It crops successfully, but how to get the names (or paths) of cropped result images My code: const im = require('imagemagick'); .... const imgFile = "...
Vu Le Anh's user avatar
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Batch resizing with ImageMagick's mpr and spawn in Node.js

I am currently converting PDFs into multiple JPGs in different dimensions with ImageMagick installed in Google Cloud Functions with Node.js. I do it in a Promise.all() call like this: return Promise....
Lanzarote's user avatar
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Spawning a process return unidentified error and list of option?

I am trying to spawn pdftotext to extract text from pdf but it returns information of available option. This is the code i used: var s = spawn('pdftotext',['-upw 12345678','epdf.pdf','out.txt']) ...
Anuradha's user avatar
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Node.js image convert promise, still get broken image

I am using imagemagick to covert file on node.'/route, upload.array('file'), async (req, res, next) => { const files = req.files; Promise.all(files.forEach(async (file) =>{ ...
Daniel's user avatar
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NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat `TIFF\"' aws lambda

I am trying to use convert from imageMagick to run this command on aws lambda convert -scene 1 test.tiff output.jpg to convert a tiff to image . But I am getting this errors always ...
Ibrahim Belkhiria's user avatar
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Imagemagick compression from command line causing buffer error for TIFF

I'm trying to use ImageMagick command line to compress TIFF files by spawning child processes from node. Certain commands cause no issue, such as monochrome and despeckling. let tiff2png = ...
natep's user avatar
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Node.js move files via CLI to directory

I'm building a script that automates all my daily needs with one command line execution. ImageMagick is used to compress / convert images. But after doing that task I want those images to be moved to ...
webprogrammer's user avatar
4 votes
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Node.js GraphicsMagick not working ( Invalid Parameter - -resize)

I am trying to use Graphics Magick to resize an image. I have installed the latest GrapchicsMagick and ImageMagick versions. I have installed npm install gm npm install im too. My node.js code is: ...
Bendeguz Goczi's user avatar
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Imagemagick conversion failed for images of larger file dimension to jp2(jp2000) with AWS lambda Node.js

AWS lambda Imagemagick convert failed for images of larger file dimension to jp2(jp2000). For images of size less then 60MB, conversion works fine, but above 60MB, I am getting 0KB file. I am using ...
Shijil Kailas's user avatar

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