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ImageMagick - converting from RAW to PNG brightens the image, but using an online converter doesn't

I have a large number of .ARW images that I need to convert to .PNG files for further processing. Using convert myimage.ARW myimage.png works, but brightens up the image significantly. How do I ...
requiemman's user avatar
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Reduce PNG bytes by manipulating color type - not having success with ImageMagick

I am trying to see if I can reduce the bytes of a PNG by changing the png color type. I am trying to keep the dimensions as high as possible (100 or 150 ideally). The images are not complex and I ...
lcj's user avatar
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imagemagick convert does not produce alpha gradient for specific image

I'm using convert to generate images with a fade gradient, converting images like this: to images like this (note the fade at the bottom): The source images (e.g., first image above) are PNGs ...
richarddmorey's user avatar
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How to convert undefined/propriatary file with ImageMagick?

I am trying to execute this command on MacOS: convert -depth 16 -size 210x274 SCRSHOT5 \( -clone -evaluate RightShift 11 -evaluate And 31 -evaluate LeftShift 11 \) \( -clone 0 -evaluate RightShift 5 -...
Kctttttt's user avatar
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When I convert PNG images from 140x140 to 100x100, the image quality suffers

When I convert PNG image from 140x140 to 100x100, the image quality suffers. I have tried this command convert "image.png" -thumbnail 100x100 -quality 100 "out.png"
Rams's user avatar
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How to convert PNG to JPEG losslessly?

I've converted PNG to JPEG with both java and python PIL. Python code : from PIL import Image img ='input.png')'output.jpg', 'JPEG', quality=100) For converting the Java code ...
Neo Reeves's user avatar
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PNG metadata 0 dpi

Our printers are looking at the dpi of some of our formatted png files for the purposes of digital garment printing. The files show 300 dpi in Photoshop, but when the same png file is opened in ...
jtl1223's user avatar
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ICO file with PNG data

Looking at some ICO files that have PNG data instead of ICO and I am trying to create the same. Example: $ identify sample.ico sample.ico[0] PNG 32x32 32x32+0+0 8-bit sRGB 884B 0.000u 0:00.000 ...
Smorfph's user avatar
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Does ImageMagick have a frame limit when creating animated gif?

I'm trying to convert some 350 images into a single animated GIF, using ImageMagick's convert: convert -delay 4 -loop 0 *.png anim.gif However, for unknown reasons it creates a file with only 115 ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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ImageMagick: when cropping and merging multiple PNG images into a single PDF, pages are shifted out of view

I have multiple screenshots, saved as PNG, which I want to batch-crop and merge into a single PDF. Given the required offset and size, cropping is simple enough: mogrify screenshot01.png -crop 123x456+...
Oliphaunt's user avatar
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ImageMagick convert tif to png or jpeg producing larger images

I have a lot of tif images I would like to convert to a web friendly format. Ive been playing a little bit with imagemagick (and a couple other libraries) to try to convert them, but the resulting ...
gmm's user avatar
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How to generate proper PNG file having same font as in Source (SVG) file using Image Magick?

I have an svg file having image tag (url based source image) along with 2 text tags. Supporting fonts (Impact) are already linked within svg file using import attribute. Svg is previewed properly on ...
Mukesh Jain's user avatar
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ImageMagick: non-conforming drawing primitive definition `px'

I'm a beginner at using ImageMagick. I have a simple svg image from the file system, and I want to convert it to png file, so I ran: $ convert -resize 100% ~/image.svg ~/image.png And the error is: ...
Jasper Martin's user avatar
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How can I binarize an SVG without grays into PNG

Well, I am converting an SVG with ImageMagick and the output always has grays because when I binarize the image always aren't black and white completely translated. Sorry, I explained worst ever... I'...
Puffy's user avatar
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How to convert a folder with SVG files to PNG with inkscape linux?

I have in my image folders in my WordPress installation a few thousands of SVG files and I would like to convert all images now to PNG to display them instead of the SVG file on my website. I would ...
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